Dillon Christian School held their First Annual Oyster Roast last Saturday evening on January 28th. The menu featured not only freshly cooked oysters, but also Beaufort Stew and many other side items that were enjoyed by the participants to the sounds of beach music being played over the loud speakers on a picturesque January evening. For the first year, the event was targeted toward members of the school community, but as the roast moves forward into the future it should provide a nice gathering for the members of the Dillon community as a whole. Head of School Brian Fitzgerald echoed the sentiment of a growing occasion, “Our staff did an incredible job with planning, preparing, and ultimately executing a spectacular evening, and I hope as we move ahead that this can turn into an event that every family looks forward to every January. I want to provide our families with more opportunities to come together and fellowship with each
other without it having to feel like a school function, and after this first time, I firmly believe this can be such an event.”
Dillon Christian School Holds Oyster Roast
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