PTI Meets

Committee of Concerned Citizens seventh week PTI (Pre Trial Intervention) meeting was held on Monday, December 5, 2011, 7:00 P.M. at the Riverdale Community Center.
The purpose of this meeting is to sponsor a program by the Solicitor’s Office called PTI, which consist of “First Time Offenders” who have been charged with non-violent crimes. This is an eight week program that consist of various speakers who share their ideas. In these sessions, there is a question and answer session.
The meeting was opened by Rev. Michael Battle, Chaplain, with prayer. Rev. Battle introduced the speakers.
Betty Legette, Manning Baptist Church, gave background information on herself to the new participants. She talked about getting records expunged in great detail. She encouraged the participants to take this program as a gift and by all means, complete the program.
She read some excerpts from a book on alcoholism and it’s acceptance, which she discussed in great detail.
In closing, Ms. Legette encouraged the participants to do the right thing. Live your life to your expectations. Be around positive people. Don’t take negative advice.
Bishop Edward Ingram, Mt. Sinai Free Will Spirit Church, had an open session on the Bible.
The participants discussed several scriptures in the Bible, which they had concerns about. Bishop Ingram discussed their concerns in great detail. In closing, Bishop Ingram encouraged the participants to continue reading their Bibles.

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