PTI Enters Fifth Week

Submitted by Linda Gonzales Battle
Our fifth week PTI (Pre Trial Intervention) meeting was held on Monday, August 1, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Riverdale Community Center.
The purpose of this meeting is to sponsor a program by the Solicitor’s office called PTI, which consists of “First Time Offenders” who have been charged with non-violent crimes. This is an eight week program that consists of various speakers who share their ideas. In these sessions, there is a question and answer session.
The meeting was opened by Rev. Michael Battle, Chaplin with prayer. He introduced the speakers.
Frank Williams, Dillon Congregational Holiness Church, thanked God for being here tonight and to fellowship with everyone. He gave background information on himself. He gave some insights on his past drug life. He talked about how God took drugs out of his life and that he is living a better life. There are a lot of walls that will hinder you from accepting Jesus Christ. Anything you are going through, He will help you. He is the only real friend you have in life. Seek the Lord where He may be found. If you have Jesus Christ in your heart, you can lie down at night and everything will be all right. In closing, Mr. Williams told the participants that they could be a big impact in their families by turning their lives around like he did. He encouraged them to take heed to his comments and make a change in their lives.
Betty Legette, Manning Baptist Church, talked about “commitment.” She talked about the participants’ commitment, which is to complete eight weeks of PTI Program. She encouraged them to stay committed to doing positive things. Associate yourself with positive people. Stay away from friends that get you into trouble. In closing, Ms. Legette told the participants to take all of their problems and throw them up to God and work them out one at a time. She stated by doing this you will see how your problems will disappear. If you can’t work it out, go to someone whom you trust to help you. Joe Williams, President, thanked the participants and member for their continual support. He also stated that on August 12, 2011, 7 p.m., here, would be a “Back to School” program for children going back to school. There will be various speakers and a choir in attendance. He is requesting everyone’s attendance. Bishop Edward Ingram, Pastor, Mt. Sinai
Church, talked to the participants about their dress attire. He also talked about their attentiveness to the speakers. He discussed the importance of showing respect to each other. In closing Bishop Ingram told them that doing right and respecting people would pay off. He reiterated some of Ms. Legette’s comments.

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