Committee Of Concerned Citizens, Inc., No. 1

By Linda Gonzales Battle
Our sixth week PTI (Pre Trial Intervention) meeting was held on Monday, June 6, 2011 at the Riverdale Community Center.
The purpose of this meeting is to sponsor a program by the Solicitors Office called PTI, which consists of “First Time Offenders” who have been charged with non-violent crimes. This is an eight week program that consists of various speakers who share their ideas. In these sessions, there is a question and answer session.
The meeting was opened by Rev. Michael Battle, Chaplain, with prayer. He started with asking the participants, “What did they do during the Memorial Day holiday?” They all replied with their various activities. He asked them, “Where do you do from here (PTI)?” Rev. Battle told them that they should be thinking about their careers/jobs. He gave them examples of various jobs, small and large. He stated that you have to start somewhere. In closing, Rev. Battle told the participants, when you leave here, we want you to have your heads up high, stating and feeling proud of what you have accomplished. He introduced the speakers.
Larry Abraham, Chief Deputy, talked about the military in great detail. He stated that he retired from the military, twenty five years. He discussed his life experiences in the military. He told the participants the advantages in the military. In closing, Mr. Abraham had a question and answer session.
Rev. Johnny Page, Mt. Sinai Church, reiterated some of Mr. Abraham’s statements because he also retired from the military. He stated that he gives God all the praise for bringing him home safe. He stated that in life we take the high road and you have to take the low road sometimes. Rev. Page talked about stepping out in faith. Sometimes when we don’t step out because we are afraid. We need to step out and grab everything we can about Jesus. In closing, Rev. Page stated that when we fall down, Jesus would pick us up.

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