Letter: What Do Six No’s Mean To You?

What Do Six No’s Mean To You?

To The Editor:
As a high school graduate of New York, we learned what NO meant.  In the dictionary, it means: None, not one, a denial, a negative vote.
When we learned that a mega dump was to be located in our county, the Concerned Citizens of Marlboro County organized.
Now, we’ve been fighting MRR, Z.V. Pate and DHEC about this mega dump, which would bring all kinds of garbage into our county.  We got 3.000 signatures from our area churches- our first No.
Then, Marlboro County Council ordered a referendum vote and 6% said Yes, but 94% said No- that’s #2.
For about three years, the Concerned Citizens met twice a month with determination to fight to the end- black, white and Indian, young and old.  This year, we had two meetings at the Marlboro County Courthouse filled with citizens.
No #3 was delivered by our Zoning Board.  No #4 by our Planning Board.  No #5 by Marlboro County Council.
We went to Columbia by bus three times- Some met with Gov. Sanford.  He said that he didn’t like it, but there was nothing he could do, for DHEC was in charge.
Now, I read in the Herald Advocate that DHEC issues a draft decision against the landfill.  To me, this is No #6.
North Carolina, Scotland and Richmond Counties made garbage corporations get out.
Failure of the S.C. General Assembly to approve a moratorium against such landfill leaves our state without a policy to protect citizens from large sick-smelling garbage dumps.
Some people are trying to change 6 Nos into one Yes and make South Carolina a garbage state instead of a tourist state.
What do you think?
An Average American,
John A. Nickoless

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