Dillon Pentecostal Holiness Church Holds Annual Sportsman Banquet

The Dillon Pentecostal Holiness Church held its fifth annual Sportsman Day on Thursday, April 5th. Upon entering, each person was greeted and welcomed to the event.
The crowd was large, probably the largest one yet, and the fellowship was great.
While everyone was in fellowship and looking over the displays and the door prizes, the members of the church were busy preparing the huge meal consisting of gator, frog legs, the all-time favorite fried chicken, chicken and pastry, corn bread fritters, vegetables, chicken bog, duck bog, many desserts, and so much more.
Dillon Pentecostal Holiness Church’s team leader, Tommy Wallace, had opening remarks, and Rev. Rick Moore asked the blessing for the the meal.
Everyone enjoyed the delicious meal and fellowship.
Special recognition was given to Rev. Rick Moore and Rev. Sam Johnson.
The guest speaker, Pastor Richie Hicks of the Second Baptist Church of Dillon who is in his thirteenth year of service at Second Baptist, was welcomed and introduced by Tommy Wallace.
He gave an inspiring sermon from II Kings, Chapter 6. He also spoke on Proverbs 29:18 and Ecclesiastes 10:10.
To sum it up, “Don’t work harder, work smarter.” We need leadership today. We need men and women of God filled with the spirit of God. We need to be diligent workers for the Lord.
Of course, Pastor Hicks did not close without having an invitation.
Door prizes were given to the children and adults.
A silent auction followed.
If you missed this event, you missed a great one.
Pastor Myrt Johnson of the Dillon Pentecostal Holiness Church gave special recognition to all who helped planned this event and extended an invitation to all to attend next year’s event and closed out the event in prayer.
Plans are underway for next year’s event.

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