The Kind Of Government We Need And Deserve

To The Editor:
As I sat crowded with many other concerned citizens in the venue of the County Council for its public meeting on June 28, 2017, I began to feel that I must be losing touch with reality. Could I possibly be witnessing this dictatorial conduct of a public meeting and lack of freedom of speech at the meeting of a governing body in The United States of America? As one after another of the speakers who were on the agenda to speak at this public meeting were denied even their allotted three minutes to present their thoughts and concerns, I increasingly gained some understanding of how oppressed citizens living under dictatorship must feel. It was not a good feeling and was a frightening realization that I was personally experiencing this miscarriage of justice and lack of freedom in my home county!
For too long Dillon County has been near the top of too many negative attributes while being near the bottom of the quality of life issues which would make Dillon County more desirable for its citizens and for newcomers. We now have literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get out of the doldrums and have a brighter future. The inland port and the other industries and economic activities which are expected to accompany it can do much to enable us to accentuate the positives and eliminate or reduce the negatives
IF we have the kind of government which we need and deserve. It is my sincere hope and prayer that every council member will strive to achieve this.

Nell B. Vincent
1203 E. Madison Street
Dillon, S.C. 29536

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