Help For Veterans Meets

Help For Veterans, Inc.
Minutes for May 18, 2017 Meeting

Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened the meeting with prayer.
14 persons/members present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Minutes from April 20, 2017 meeting read and approved.
Treasurer’s report made. $3331.76 in bank.
Chairman Daniels ask for volunteers to give out socks, underwear and bathing articles at a prepared booth for the Memorial Day event at Veterans Square on the 29th of May. Several members agreed to assists.
Valerie Graves stated she would be present to identify legitimate veterans.
Chairman Daniels ask if there was any old business to be discussed.
No old business was reported.
Chairman Daniels ask if there was any new business.
Barbara Causey and Valerie Graves discussed the issuance of the underwear, socks and bath items to be distributed.
Barbara Causey and Valerie Graves brought up the idea to have a free health screening day for the veterans.
James Leslie discussed the use of a van to transport sick veterans to hospitals and clinics. Dillon City Councilman, Johnny Eller, is working on ways to get drivers for the van.
Councilman Eller said he was looking into the possibility of using city and county employees to drive the van.
Councilman Eller inquired to the VA office about the possibility of getting a new van.
James Leslie, Dillon Red Cross, stated that there was single room air conditioners available from J.C. Penney.
The floor was opened to members to discuss personal ideas to assist the Dillon County Veterans which lead to persons present presenting thoughts to one another for several minutes.
James Leslie reported that the Palmetto Recovery Group will be checking homes for damage received during Hurricane Mathew.
Councilman Eller stated that this Memorial Day celebration should be the best ever.
Chaiman Daniels thanked Mildred Mishue and Cathorine Price for providing the meeting with hot coffee and delicious cake.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting.
The June meeting will be held on the 15th at Legion Hall at 7 p.m.

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