Tentative Title I, II, III Budgets Presented To District Four Board

By Betsy Finklea
Lynn Liebenrood, Director of Student Services, presented the tentative budgets for Title I, Title II Part A, and Title III at the Dillon District Four Board meeting.
Liebenrood said the budgets are tentative because they have not received the allocation as of the time of the meeting.
Title I was the first budget presented. The majority of this budget goes to the schools. Forty full-time and part-time positions are funded out of this allocation.

Dillon School District Four
Title I FY18 Budget Breakdown
Monday, May 15, 2017
FY18 Preliminary Allocation- 2,129,332.00
FY17 Carryover- 111,524.00
Tentative amount to be budgeted- 2,240,856.00
Required Set-Aside Funds
Parenting (1%)- 21,294.00
Supervision- 42,313.00
Travel/Instructional Supplies/Technology, etc.- 38,000.00
Homeless- 25,644.00
Lease & Rentals/Internet Access, etc.- 22,500.00
Indirect Cost- 100,049.00
Schools- 1,991,056.00
Title II Part A was then presented.
This budget funds seven teachers.

Title II Part A – Teacher Quality
FY18 Budget Breakdown
May 15, 2017
Salaries/Fringe-7 Teachers- $349,996.00
Purchased Services
Tuition- 1,000.00
Testing Services- 500.00
Indirect Cost
Allocation FY17- $315,463.00
Tentative Allocation FY18 (1% cut)- $313,754.00

Title III was also presented. It provides for professional development and before school tutoring for the English learner students.

Title III FY18 Budget Breakdown
English Learners (EL)
Monday, May 15, 2017
Program Component
1. Improving the instructional program for EL students:
-Professional Development
-Before School Tutoring
2016-2017 Allocation
2017-2018 Tentative Allocation
$11,985 (10% cut)
Liebenrood said she needed a motion to start planning for next year. The motion was made by Trustee Earl Gleason with a second by Trustee Famon Whitfield. The board approved the motion.

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