God’s Word Shines: Faith

God’s Word Shines is a ministry of the Pee Dee Baptist Association, comprised of 31 Southern Baptist churches in Dillon and Marlboro Counties.  For more information call 774-8062.
Featured this month is Dr. Greg Hyler, the pastor of Mount Calvary Baptist Church, Dillon.

The Bible identifies a type of faith that is absolutely unable to save. James wrote, “What use is it, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has no works? Can that faith save him?” This is the faith of a lost person, someone who is unsaved by Jesus. People who have this faith may claim, “I believe!” or, “I am a follower of Jesus!” But, they are not genuine followers; they are only making a verbal profession.
How can a person have a faith that does not save? Consider the following illustration. There is a man who claims to love his wife. But, he cheats on her. He beats her. He never spends time with her. He refuses to work and makes her support the family. He takes her paycheck and wastes it on lottery tickets, playing cards, and drinking beer. He does not talk to her, but he does yell at her. He does not show affection to her. This man professes to love his wife, but his actions demonstrate a lack of love.
Such a man does not love his wife, no matter what he says. It is only words. It is not real. If you love someone, your actions will show it. It will be more than talk. That is what James is saying about faith. Faith is more than talk.
   A real Christian believes Jesus is the perfect Son of God who died in her place to pay her sin debt, and then He arose on the third day, has ascended to heaven but will return to the earth to judge all humankind. It is impossible to believe this and not live a different life. If you genuinely believe the gospel, then you are going to surrender your life to serve the Lord Jesus. You will align your life in accordance with his Word that you might live a life of repentance and holiness.
Therefore, faith without works is not a real faith. It is a dead faith. It is a faith that does not  save.
A true faith is a profitable faith. It will work. It will produce righteousness. It will make a difference. This is why Paul declares, “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived:  neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you.”   — 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.
If your faith has not led to a changed life, then it is not a living faith. A dead faith does not work. A dead faith hears the Word of God, and nothing changes. This is an insincere faith that will lead only to hell.
If you have such a faith, repent and turn to Jesus before it is too late?

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