Lake View Town Council Minutes: February 16, 2016

Lake View Town Council Meeting
February 18, 2016
Presiding: Mayor Boston Page, Jr.
Present:  Layton Townsend, David Johnson, Mertis Barnett, Matthew Elvington and Sara Elvington
Also Present: Bill Taylor, Pat Laird, and Johnnie Luehrs
Mayor Page called the meeting to order and Councilman David Johnson began with prayer.
The minutes from January 21, 2016 meeting were read and approved by all present. Mayor Page offered the floor to Mrs. Pat and Mrs. Johnnie, and they declined in order to wait for their third party for discussion.
Council Concerns:
1. Mayor asked Councilman David Johnson to read the letter from Dillon Middle School and contributions needed. After much discussion Mayor and Council agreed to try to maintain the Lake View School system needs first before reaching out to other schools.
2. Mayor brought to council an opportunity for the community to allow a Community Expo Event at the Community Center for July 30, 2016 by Tabitha James. This event will be held to help the youth. She will do all the announcing as the time draws nearer. All council agreed this would well benefit the youth in and around our town.
3. Mayor passed a letter around for council to read from a dissatisfied citizen, who thought it would be okay to park his vehicle in the street since his yard was extremely wet from all the rain. He did not feel he should get a ticket after being warned by Chief of Police.
4. Mayor gave copies of the State of the Town of Lake View to each council member to review and edit as necessary. Council agreed on the letter to be sent to Ms. Betsy Finklea at The Dillon Herald.
5. Mayor reminded council there were only two on the zoning board and there needed to be another person to replace the previous chairperson. The Mayor asked Mr. Bill Taylor with MASC if he had any information pertinent to this matter. Mr. Taylor reminded Mayor and Council each person should have gone through the training as the previous chair person had done and then at least three hours of training every year. Mr. Taylor said he could do 1/2 their training every year if need be. The new person would have to get their training within 18 months of accepting office. Mr. Taylor said he would have to leave and he had enjoyed the meeting. Mayor and town council thanked Mr. Taylor for coming and asked him to come back anytime. There were several items Mr. Taylor was going to look into for the Mayor and Town Council and said he would e-mail the clerk with his findings.
6.  Mr. Harold Utley had asked to be put on the agenda, but he did not show up. He had asked if he could have the community center for shag dancing free of charge. The Mayor and Council did not agree with this since they had turned down others who wanted to teach zumba, dancing, or exercise using the community center. Mayor and Council agreed they had to be fair across the board.
7.  Mayor and Council discussed on the town spraying for bugs themselves versus hiring this done. After much discussion, they decided to table this matter till they could look into this a little further.
8.  Mayor turned the floor over to Mrs. Laird. Mrs. Laird reminded Mayor and Council of the need for pine straw on the boulevard for the flower beds, roots from trees and all debris to be removed as well as getting someone to prune the trees. Mrs. Laird said it would be nice to look into getting a water retaining wall around the fountain. Mrs. Laird reminded Mayor and Council there would be a function March 2, 2016, at 5:30 at the Pee Dee State Park showcasing the surrounding area and what we have to offer. Mrs. Laird called this function Pigs and Pearls.
There was a lot of discussion on how they (Pat and Johnnie) get the money for these functions, where it comes from and exactly what it could be spent on. Mrs. Pat and Mrs. Johnnie were very informative and explained themselves very well. The Mayor did ask that the Community Center was not to be rented out on this date in case of inclement weather, the function could be relocated. As Mrs. Pat and Mrs. Johnnie brought up the different items they get money for Christmas on the Boulevard, signage, Farm to Table, Community Singers, Mrs. Barnett asked if there could be a sign put up on front of the Police Department, so tourist and others would know where the Police Department was located?
Mrs. Pat and Mrs. Johnnie reminded council that now is the time to buy Christmas lights, banners and most all other items for the COTB project. Council spoke of the different ideas on the different committee’s and how to form a committee and who would choose the different ones to be on the committee. All committees need designated times to meet so they can stay organized.
Recreational ball sign up has begun and the deadline is usually the last Saturday in March or 1st Saturday in April.
The Mayor and Town Maintenance crew have been diligently working on trying to help get the ball field ready.
9.  Mayor brought to council’s attention about the PBA which had been given to him by Chief Wayne Campbell to look into and possibly the town paying for this benefit for the policemen. Mayor and town council had spoken with Mr. Bill Taylor with the MASC on this matter and Mr. Taylor would get back with council on this matter.
10.  Mayor Page state the next item on the agenda was Lake View Fire Department. The Town had reimbursed the Fire Department for work that had been previously done on one of the fire trucks and an invoice had been secured. No one was here to represent the Fire Department.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

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