9-1-1 Director Speaks To AARP Chapter

The Dillon Area Chapter #5336 of AARP, Inc. met on Monday, March 14, 2016, in the meeting room of the Council for the Aging at 2:00 p.m. with 20 members and 1 guest in attendance.  
President Mickie Singleton called the meeting to order issuing a very warm welcome to all.  The Pledge to the American flag was recited after which Leila Smith presented a well-received meditation. The business session followed during which officers and committees gave reports.
Vice-president/program chairperson Christine Carmichael introduced Mr. Sonny McRae, Director of Dillon County 911 System, who gave the chapter members a current status of the 911 system.   Many calls are answered each year giving residents immediate help. Mr. McRae gave tips which are helpful to callers in securing the help needed.  Questions posed were answered, and Mr. McRae was graciously thanked for his most helpful remarks.
Anyone, 50 years or above, whether working or retired, is invited to join the local AARP chapter which meets the second Monday of the month excluding July and August.  Membership in the national organization is necessary to become a member of the local chapter. To join or for more information, call Carolyn Quick, membership chairperson, at 843-774-9370.

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