Dillon County BAR Presents Resolution To County Council

By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon County BAR Association appeared before the Dillon County Council at their meeting on Wednesday to discuss a resolution the BAR passed about the Dillon County Courthouse.
Attorney Tim Ammons made the presentation to the council. He said the Dillon County BAR made and passed a resolution. He said they were very thankful to be put on the agenda. Ammons said they were thankful for the renovations done over the last several years at the courthouse. He said they had made it a facility that they could be proud of and use.
Ammons said they were also very appreciative of the new judicial center. He said they went out on a limb, got the ball rolling, and got it done. He said when the judicial center issue first came to light, they were under the impression that General Sessions (Criminal) court, the Solicitor’s Office, and the Sheriff’s Office would be relocating there. He said that was all that was brought to their attention. Ammons said council never came to the BAR or asked for the BAR’s input, but they heard things.
Ammons said they have heard some things through the grapevine that bothers them. He said they have heard that they planned to move the Court of Common Pleas there, and the BAR was not in favor of that. He said they don’t want to abandon the Dillon County Courthouse that the county had spent so much money on to bring it up to speed. He said they were proud of the courthouse and that the courthouse serves a purpose and operates properly. He said when they heard that the Dillon County Council was thinking about moving Common Pleas Court out there they didn’t like it, they were upset about it and passed a resolution. He said they want Common Pleas Court to take place at the courthouse.
Ammons said they also got word that Family Court and Judge Salley McIntyre’s office may be moved out there. He said they oppose Family Court moving out there. He said Family Court works well at the courthouse, that it is a good facility for Family Court, and there was no reason to move.
Ammons said they also heard that the council was considering moving the Clerk of Court out there. He said that the Clerk of Court is in charge of the courthouse “not you folks.” He said Gwen Hyatt, the Clerk of Court, is not in favor of the council moving her. He asked that they honor this. He asked that they keep Common Pleas and Family Court at the historic courthouse. He said when a judge is hearing cases that it’s good for them to be able to access records and files at the same building or at worst across the street.
Ammons said initially they wanted Judge McIntyre’s office to be at the historic courthouse, but that she was impressed with her office space at the judicial center and was moving there, and they support her in that. He said Judge McIntyre supports Family Court being held in the historic courthouse.
He introduced Laurel Ammons, the president of the BAR, and the other lawyers in attendance.
Ammons then went over some considerations that he wanted to bring to their attention.
Ammons said they all toured the judicial center, and they love the facility. He said they talked to the Sheriff and asked him to be at the meeting, but he felt he had said all he could say. Ammons said the Sheriff needs more office space – he didn’t have enough room.
Ammons said if they do not move the Clerk of Court to the judicial center that there would be room to give the Sheriff more office space so it would be put to good use.
Another consideration that Ammons brought up was that many lawyers had made an investment to have their offices around the courthouse not around the judicial center on the Old Latta Highway. He said he thought this was something to consider. He said he wanted to let them know where they were coming from.
Chairman T.F. “Buzzy” Finklea, Jr. asked Ammons how the Sheriff feels about the security at the historic courthouse. Ammons aid that the Sheriff feels they can provide security for the Family Court and Common Pleas.
Ammons said while they have the big courtroom at the judicial center that the two other courtrooms are small.
After Ammons presentation, Councilman Robbie Coward made a motion to give the Clerk of Court’s space at the justice center to the Sheriff. Chairman Finklea called for a second, but no one seconded the motion.
Councilman Archie Scott said when this thing was coming into being they talked to the Sheriff, they talked about security, and they talked about the costs to continue to operate the historic courthouse. He said he thought it would be wise to send it to a committee. Coward withdrew his motion.
Scott made a motion to have a council workshop seconded by Coward. The motion passed. Ammons asked that they also talk to the BAR.

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