COLUMBIA, S.C. — The United States Attorney’s Office is sponsoring the 21st Annual Project Safe Neighborhoods (“PSN”) Logo Contest. The statewide contest invites students to use their creativity to spark conversations on how to prevent gun violence in our schools by designing a logo for use on upcoming SC PSN publications. The theme is “Preventing Gun Violence in Our Schools – Know the Signs.”
The contest is open to all South Carolina grade school students, including homeschooled students, and entries will be categorized into four grade divisions. A winner will be selected from each of the four divisions, and each division winner will receive $50. An overall winning logo will be chosen from the four division winners and will receive an additional $50 prize for a total of $100. Click here to see last year’s winners.
The winning entries will be chosen by “The Insiders,” a select group of students from the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice, who travel throughout the state encouraging children and promoting community awareness of the consequences of juvenile crime. In addition to the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice, the United States Attorney’s Office is proud to partner with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Officers’ Association for this year’s contest.
Entries should be consistent with the theme “Preventing Gun Violence in Our Schools – Know the Signs.” The deadline for submissions is March 29, 2024. If your student is interested in participating, contact your local school as contest information has been sent to all South Carolina schools. Applications and contest rules may also be found on our website.
The centerpiece of the Department of Justice’s violent crime reduction efforts, PSN is an evidence-based program proven to be effective at reducing violent crime. Through PSN, a broad spectrum of stakeholders work together to identify the most pressing violent crime problems in the community and develop comprehensive solutions to address them. As part of this strategy, PSN focuses enforcement efforts on the most violent offenders and partners with locally based prevention and reentry programs for lasting reductions in crime. The contest is an important prevention initiative that has proven to be an effective way to engage our students in meaningful conversation about preventing gun crimes among our young people and ensuring a safe learning atmosphere for our schoolchildren.
U.S. Attorney’s Office Sponsoring Logo Contest
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