Empowerment In Action Meets At Fairmont Community Park

At the invitation of the Sheriff of Robeson County and the Mayor of Fairmont, Empowerment in Action Association, a ministry against violence in Dillon County met at the Fairmont Community Park on Thursday, October 26th. The H B Drake welcomed and moderated. After the Choir sang, Robeson County Sheriff’s Office Chief Detective James Obershea spoke about the thirty five lives lost to violence so far this year and the need for prevention. Felicia McLean of Stop the Violence shared “Violence doesn’t care about race, money or person.” She said the prayer is the key to changing our communities. Fairmont Chief of Police Jonathan Edwards shared the need to be involved. The police are really a reaction to the violence that is has already happened. After the Choir sang again Bishop Joseph Graham introduced Pastor James Orr of Pyerian Baptist Church. Using Scripture from Luke 14, Pastor implored those in attendance to look past appearances and reach out to our young people.
“The church has forgotten its role. We are to be the living hands and feet of Jesus, not the mouthpiece of politics and archaic social norms. Remember that at one time, you and I were that young person that needed love and Jesus.” Empowerment in Action is dedicated to working against violence for the future of our children.

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