January 8, 2015 Minutes
CTC Board Members Present: Earl Gleason, Jr. (Chairman), Freddie Jackson, Henry “Tommy” Smith, Russell Nelson, Billy C. Powers, Carmen A. Bethea, Denis Grubb, Edward Ford
CTC Absent Board Members: Jimmy Meekins
Guests: Melissa Thompson – Dillon County GIS (Secretary for CTC) and Clay Young – Dillon County Administrator.
Earl Gleason, Jr., Chairman, opened the meeting with call to order. Freddie Jackson gave the opening prayer.
A motion was made by Freddie Jackson to approve October and November meetings minutes, second by Denis Grubb, motion carried.
In Old Business, Chairman Gleason stated the paving for Lucky Run is complete and Progress Street is in progress. Progress Street was delayed because of Duke Energy not moving a power pole, which has now been moved. The driveways project is currently in progress. Weather will be causing delays and completion dates will be after March 15, 2015.
The Taco Bell project is underway and the CTC had approved $25,000 towards that project for the signal lights. The bid came in at $32,416.00 and the CTC has been asked to increase their funding by $7,416 to cover the complete signal portion of the project. The floor was then open for discussion. Mr. Clay Young, Dillon County Administrator advises that the City of Dillon has gone in with Dillon County for $25,000 minimum. The road portion of the project has been bid out and has come in around $125,000 or $130,000. Once the road is complete then the city and county will be billed $25,000 each. The company that owns Taco Bell will pay the remaining costs for the road. The property owner donated the right of way for the road.
The City of Dillon Council accepted the bid of $32,416 from Premier Constructors, Inc. in December and just wants the CTC to fund the entire portion of the project.
Motion was made by Freddie Jackson to increase the $25,000 to $32,416 to pay the signal portion of the Taco Bell Project, seconded by Carmen Bethea. The motion carried.
The project for Joe Drive, Joan Drive and the driveway behind the old Lake View Middle School are moving forward with the PDCOG.
New Business:
November “C” Fund statement
The December meeting in Columbia was a very productive meeting. Highlight of the meeting was Beaufort County and their ranking system. Chairman Gleason, Vice-Chairman Bethea and Melissa Thompson will get together and discuss the evaluation process as well as petitions and how to address them. Dillon County is going to push for a ranking system for their roads. It will be important for Dillon County and the CTC to work hand in hand. Possibly looking at rocking roads.
Dillon County has an ordinance for accepting roads into the County system. Using this policy the CTC has developed a policy for paving a dirt road to mirror the county policy. The roads to consider for paving by the CTC have to be in the Dillon County road system. Sub-divisions in Dillon County have prescriptive easements, the sub-division owner owns them and is private property.
The motion was made by Carmen Bethea to accept the “Policy for Paving a Dirt Road”, second by Freddie Jackson, motion carried. The policy was signed by each member present and notarized.
CTC petitions
A list was provided to each member present of current list of petitions that are known: the majority of the list is from Stacy Griffin. The Board feels that some petitions received prior to Stacy Griffin’s passing are not on the list. Mrs. Sylvia Griffin has not turned over the CTC’s documentation.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 12, 2015.
Freddie Jackson made the motion to adjourn, second by Edward Ford, the motion carried.
February 12, 2015 Minutes
CTC Board Members Present: Earl Gleason, Jr. (Chairman), Freddie Jackson, Henry “Tommy” Smith, Russell Nelson, Billy C. Powers, Carmen A. Bethea, Denis Grubb, Edward Ford
CTC Absent Board Members: Jimmy Meekins
Guests: Melissa Thompson – Dillon County GIS (Secretary for CTC)
Earl Gleason, Jr., Chairman, opened the meeting with call to order. Freddie Jackson gave the opening prayer.
A motion was made by Freddie Jackson to approve December 2014 and January 2015 meetings minutes, second by Denis Grubb, motion carried.
In Old Business, Chairman Gleason stated the paving for Lucky Run and Progress Street have been completed. The driveways project should be underway. Weather has been the cause for delays and has as late as March 15 to get a finish date. The Taco Bell project is underway.
The project for Joe Drive, Joan Drive and the driveway behind the old Lake View Middle School are moving forward with the PDCOG.
New Business: December “C” Fund statement, January “C” Fund statement, article in Dillon Herald update, update on Petitions – 9 Petitions received that do not meet the CTC policy for paving a dirt road: Coreys Ct, Crowley Dr, Gladys Dr, Millwood Dr, Mosswood Dr, Parkwood Dr, Ridgecrest Ct, Sandy Elm Ct, and Skylite Dr. Motion made by Billy Powers to send petitioners a letter notifying them that their request has been denied because of the road being on private property, second by Carmen Bethea, motion carried. Nine Road Requests, without petitions, that do not meet the CTC policy for paving a dirt road: Cypress Bluff Ct, Doe Trail, Lilac Dr, Pleasant Grove Ct, Ridge Ct, Sand Dollar Dr, Sancy Acres Dr, Sweetbriar Pl and Whitesands Dr. Motion made by Denis Grubb to send petitioners a letter notifying them that their request has been denied because of the road being on private property, second by Carmen Bethea, motion carried. The next meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2015
.Chairman, Earl Gleason adjourned the meeting.
Dillon Transportation Committee January and February Minutes
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