By Betsy Finklea
Dillon County Council Chairman Archie Scott and Interim County Administrator Rodney Berry spoke about the new leadership heading into 2017 and the inland port.
Scott said there is a new council on board in 2017, and he hopes they will come together to work for the betterment of the citizens of Dillon County.  He said he is optimistic and excited about the inland port.
The coming of the inland port and the industries that will use it and possibly come because of it will create jobs, and Scott said it is important for people to be able to pay their bills and buy groceries.  He said if jobs and industries come to Dillon County then they have done their jobs.  He said it is important to increase the tax base.  He said this is why the citizens elected them.
Interim County Administrator Rodney Berry said things are moving along well with the inland port.  Berry said opportunity is here.  He said they have got to work to raise the skill set of the area.  He said it is a new day in Dillon County.  The port will effect the whole region.  It will be operational in the fourth quarter of 2017.  Berry said this was a lifetime opportunity, and they were going to make it happen.

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