November 5, 2020
Lake View Community Center
Date: Thursday,
November 5, 2020
Time: 6:30 P.M.
Place: Lake View Community Center,
106 Richard Temple Boulevard,
Lake View, SC 29563
Presiding: Mayor Matthew Elvington
Present: Council Members: Mertis Barnett, Tony Hayes, and David Johnson
Also Present: Karen Cook-Henderson, Chief Jason E. Turner and property owners/interested parties
• Mayor Matthew Elvington called the meeting to order with prayer and welcomed everyone stating his appreciation for their time and commitment the community.
• Public Hearing on Nuisance Properties – Rule to Show Cause
• 111-03-10-006 (100 S. Walnut Street) – Dr. Darrell Holliday – owner, Tammy Mann and Larry Vaughn present; Dr. Holliday agreed that a public nuisance exists and stated Ms. Mann and Mr. Vaughn are purchasing the property so are responsible for corrections. Mayor Elvington acknowledged noticed recent improvements in the property but expressed concern this is a reoccurring problem. Mr. Vaughn explained he has ongoing health concerns and a limited income. It was agreed Council will submit their conclusions in writing to Ms. Mann and Mr. Vaughn as well as Dr. Holliday for resolution.
• 111-07-22-007 (208 E. 5th Ave) – property owner failed to appear. Council will submit their conclusions in writing.
• 111-03-09-003 (E. 3rd Ave – across from Trading Post) – property owner failed to appear. Council will submit their conclusions in writing.
• 111-03-20-004 (400 E. 3rd Ave) and 111-03-20-011 (E. 4th Ave) – property will be discussed at November regular meeting.
• 111-07-10-004 (309 S. Kemper Street) – property owner failed to appear. Council will submit their conclusions in writing.
• 11-03-21-002 (105 S. Main Street) – Mr. Hamza Al Sardia and Mr. Sami Al Sardieh present; Mr. Al Sardia agreed that a public nuisance exists and they are working on financing to improve both buildings. Mr. Al Sardieh stated they will work to remedy the ice cream shop first and then the gas station. Mayor Elvington asked that they be aware of the sinkholes on the property and monitor them because the property has part of the main drainage ditch running underground. Another concern is that with the roof collapsing into the gas station, it makes the building unstable and vulnerable to the walls falling in. It was suggested by Councilmember Johnson and Councilmember Barnett that the first projects should be to remove any loose roofing material, cut back the weeds and overgrown grass, and remove the debris including the benches.
• 111-07-10-003 (308 S. Main Street) – Ms. Kathy Smith present; Ms. Smith acknowledged she is working on getting the issues corrected including the front porch. She asked for more information and expressed frustration with the process which Council acknowledged is cumbersome. Mayor Elvington identified other concerns including the trees/shrubs encroaching onto the sidewalk, the overgrowth of vines and the possible instability of the carport as well as the concern of termites nesting in the rotting porch. Ms. Smith explained the overgrowth is kudzu that comes from the back lot and elaborated on her plans for the porch and carport.
• 111-03-21-003 (S. Ford Street) – Ms. Kathy Smith present; Ms. Smith agreed to have the maintenance person to do a better job but asked why this property mattered. It was explained that Town is working through the process and this property was identified by Code Enforcement along with many other. The primary concern is to have the overgrowth and vegetation removed from the fence and other structures and, once cleared, remove any damaged structures.
• 111-11-00-039 (1106 S. Main Street) – Ms. Montricial Ford and Ms. Eula Page present; Ms. Ford acknowledged and Council agreed the work completed on the property is an improvement but the building is damaged and unsightly. Ms. Ford explained the family is undecided as to what to do with the building but will meet in November to discussing tearing it down.
• Council instructed the Clerk to send a follow-up letter to each property owner detailing the required outcome and completion date.
With no further business, Councilmember Tony Hayes made the motion to adjourn with Councilmember David Johnson seconding. There was no discussion and all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.
November 19, 2020
Council Chambers
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Place: Lake View Council Chamber and Zoom*
*Out of concern for the health and wellbeing of the Lake View Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Council Meeting was available through video and telephone conferencing using Zoom.
Presiding at Chambers: Matthew Elvington, Mayor
Present at Chambers: Councilmember David Kitchens
Present via Zoom: Councilmembers Mertis Barnett and David Johnson
Also Present at Chambers: Chief Jason Turner, Corporal Patrick Altman and Karen Cook-Henderson
Also Present via Zoom: Dennis Townsend and Mark Sobiski, CareFIRST Carolina Foundation
Absent: Councilmember Tony Hayes
• Mayor Matthew Elvington opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed everyone.
• Councilmember Mertis Barnett made a motion to accept the minutes from the October 15, 2020 meeting and Councilmember David Kitchens offered a second. All were in favor and the motion passed. Councilmember David Kitchens made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 5, 2020 Public Hearing and Councilmember Mertis Barnett seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed.
• Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to amend the agenda to include a report from Chief Turner and Councilmember Mertis Barnett seconded. All were in favor and the agenda was amended.
• Chief Jason E. Turner presented to Council a proposal to acquire a narcotics detection dog in response to the increase in the frequency and lethalness of the drugs being confiscated in Lake View. The initial expense will be covered with the funds generated by Chief Turner working during the year to sell unused equipment at auction. Councilmember David Johnson made the motion to approve the proposal and allow for the use of funds to purchase the narcotics detection dog. Chief Turner will provide routine reports to Council to assist with evaluation of the program. Councilmember David Kitchens seconded the proposal and all were in favor so the motion passed.
• Mayor Matthew Elvington advised Council the Town Hall and the Lake View Police Department remain closed to foot traffic with services being completed by phone or email whenever possible in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Mayor Matthew Elvington advised Council the closing for the purchase of Page’s Mill Pond will be in December.
• Councilmember David Kitchens had no new information to share regarding the Veteran’s Park and asked the topic be included on the agenda in November.
• Mr. Sobiski from CareFirst Carolina Foundation presented a request for a $1,500.00 donation in support of the Dillon County Area Transportation (DCAT) and the Pee Dee Regional Transportation Authority (PDRTA). The request is a commitment for $500.00 annually for three years pending Council’s approval each year. Although there is not a fixed route in Lake View, residents can access the Demand Response Service. The service will be marketed specifically in Lake View and there is no restriction on how often individuals can use the service. A system to track ridership will be implemented to generate data for evaluation. Councilmember Mertis Barnett made a motion to enter into an agreement with CareFirst Carolina Foundation to provide a $500.00 donation annually pending annual approval for three years to benefit the residents of Lake View. Councilmember David Johnson seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed.
• Mayor Matthew Elvington announced the Town of Lake View was awarded a Hometown Economic Development grant from the SC Municipal Association. The award will be used to hire a consultant to lead the community in a process to create a strategic plan that focuses on economic development of the Page’s Mill Pond Property. There were 52 applicants and 12 grants awarded.
• Mayor Matthew Elvington reminded Council the bid opening for the Police Department generator will be December 03, 2020 and their attendance is welcomed as witnesses.
• Mayor Matthew Elvington reminded Council that committee nominations will be in May so please be seeking out Lake View residents to volunteer for the Planning Committee, Zoning Board of Appeals, Beautification Committee and Municipal Election Committee.
• Mayor Mathew Elvington presented a request from Dillon County Disaster Preparedness Agency (DCDPA) to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding that allows for the use of Lake View Community Center for resource staging and as a Point of Distribution when the DCDPA activates the Emergency Operation Center (EOC). The DCDPA will make the request in advance of the anticipated use of the facility and, if needed, furnish a generator as backup power. The Town of Lake View will perform sanitation/janitorial/maintenance duties in house. The MOU was reviewed by the Town Attorney. Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to approve the MOU with the DCDPA and Councilmember David Johnson offered the second. All were in favor and the motion passed.
• Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel matter and Councilmember Mertis Barnett offered the second. All were in favor. Councilmember Mertis Barnett made the motion to exit Executive Session and Councilmember David Kitchens made the second. All were in favor. No action was taken in Executive Session.
• Councilmember David Johnson made the motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements. Councilmember Mertis Barnett offered the second. All were in favor. Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to exit Executive Session and Councilmember David Johnson made the second. All were in favor. No action was taken in Executive Session.
Mayor’s Report
• The lot on Smith Street is being cleared by Sanitation and Maintenance staff. There are logs available for anyone interested.
• We continue to wait for DOT to notify us they are ready to start on the outfall ditching project.
• The Town of Lake View received the South Carolina Municipal Insurance Trust Risk Management Award (1 to 50 full and part-time employees) award for 2020. The Town continues to successfully reduce the frequency and severity of losses. The award included a cash prize that will be used to purchase equipment for employees.
• The Town of Lake View Holiday Party will be 12/10/2020 for employees and volunteers.
Council Concerns
• Councilmember David Johnson asked if the equipment at the Splash Pad would be removed for the winter. The water was turned off in October. Mayor Elvington will contact the installer for a cost estimate to remove the features.
• Councilmember Mertis Barnett shared she discussed the debris removal at 1106 S. Main Street with a representative of the CL Ford Family Group LLC and it will be completed. She also shared that she made a request to Kenneth Smith from the Dillon County Long Term Recovery Group to host a mask and hand sanitizer give away.
With no further business, Councilmember Mertis Barnett made the motion to adjourn with Mayor Matthew Elvington seconding.
There was no discussion and all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.