One advantage of being young is that you do not often have to see a doctor except perhaps for an accident at least not many have standing appointments.  The dread most people my age have of being in that category is the wait.  With not much time left, the last place you want to wait is with a crowd of other sick people many with symptoms worse than yours. Then there are the smells, the mindless unwatched television playing to a captive audience promoting a miracle drug for some unheard of sickness that thankfully you have not yet attracted…yet.
In my case, I am indeed fortunate to see a dentist who within reason keeps his appointments.  I understand that there are cases when there are emergencies and understand that type of delay; it’s the “other” visits that remind me of the landing pattern of airplanes approaching a major airport.  There are so many that there is no way to avoid delay.  In some medical practices, it apparently is a matter of “book as many as you can and we will work them in” kind of mindset.  But recently I was surprised when I reported for a 9:15 a.m. appointment.
Now as a specialist, he is one who sees patients just one day a week locally.  His major practice is elsewhere.  His staff from what I observed consists of a receptionist and a technician.  Perhaps because of his practice, urology, he necessarily does not ordinarily see enough patients causing a scheduling backlog but in my case, the reception was unlike some other appointments.
The doctor shares an office with another professional.  When I arrived, on time, I expected to see many of the chairs occupied but surprisingly, I was the only one present.  I checked in, was given instructions which I followed and was immediately taken to an examination room.  So much for promptness.
Except for the normal furnishings, the room consisted of an examination table, a stool for the doctor, one chair for me and two wall posters.  One of the posters seemed out of place, it was the detailed drawing of an adult’s foot and ankle apparently used by another professional.  The other poster was a detailed anatomical drawing, in color, of a revealing interior of what you would expect to see posted in an urologist office.  Looking at this work of art, one can readily appreciate the complexity of this marvelous displayed creation, one similar to your own body. But there was not much time to take in the many parts because the doctor arrived without delay.
Relatively young and dressed for the part, he spoke briefly while thumbing through the many pages of my case record.  Unlike my regular medical doctor, he was not busy with a laptop; he was doing his notations the old fashioned way with a pen.  He asked a few questions, made brief notions in the file and made several comments relating to my visit. He was not in an apparent hurry although he did not remain in the room for any extended time; the checked examination code number on the sheet he handed to me to take to the receptionist stated this was a 15 minutes visit.
The visit was brief, on time and professional and within 30 minutes or less, I was heading home.  Of course if his waiting room had been stacked up, the situation would obviously have been somewhat different as it is in most practices I visit.

While the possible wait may be aggravating; still like in the case of judges, you don’t argue with the MD.  He may have your life in his hands.

Bill Lee

PO Box 128

Hamer, SC 29547

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