YANA (You Are Not Alone) Special Needs Support Ministry recently hosted several workshops at Outreach Family Fellowship in Dillon. On November 18, “The Journey to Adulthood-Sexuality: What Parents Need To Know”, a training for parents of youth with disabilities; the presenter was Mrs. Gayle Munn, Regional Director of Pro-Parents of S.C. The most recent workshop “Bullying & Special Needs” took place on Thursday, December 3, Mrs. Rebekah Baker, Guidance Counselor of Gordon Elementary School, was the presenter. She discussed what bullying is and the different forms of bullying such as: hitting, kicking, pushing, name calling, intimidation through gestures or social exclusion, sending insulting text messages or e-mails, etc. Mrs. Baker shared with the group some of the effects that bullying may have on children. Also, we learned that some children with special needs may not know that they are being bullied. A person may appear to be a friend
to them, when in fact, they are making fun of them. Mrs. Baker shared with the group the importance of parents being supportive if they think their child is being bullied. She also encouraged us that if the bullying occurs at school to get involved by contacting the school. This was a very informative and much needed workshop. If you would like information regarding these workshops or would like to be on our mailing list, please feel free to contact Mrs. Se’Lisa Scott, YANA Special Needs Support Ministry Coordinator, at (843) 774-0928 or 845-1313.
YANA Hosts Workshops
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