Hamer Church of God honored Pastor Stan Rankin and Mrs. Patsy Rankin with a delicious meal and fellowship at a local restaurant on Thursday, May 12, as he is retiring from pastoring.
On Sunday, May 15, Pastor Stan Rankin and Mrs. Patsy Rankin, were once again honored during his final sermon at the church.
The church’s congregation, the Rankins’ Family, friends, and visitors were present for this. In fact, Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Williams of Marion, Ohio, friends of the Rankins where Pastor Rankin first served, were present.
It was almost 4 years ago when the Rankins began serving at the Hamer Church of God. During Pastor Rankin’s sermon, he stated “Four years this summer…what a wonderful time, what a great way to close my service.” God gave us his Great Commandment and His Great Commission to us.
Rankin stated “I have 5 wishes for all of you. 1. Keep our eyes on Jesus from Hebrews 12. 2. Hold to the Word of the Living God from Acts 32. Always obey the Word. 3. Keep walking in love. Continue to love God and one another. Look outside of the 4 walls. Love the lost. 4. Welcome the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Without the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the church will suffer. 5. Don’t lose sight of the Lord. God brings us through all things. Church, the best is yet to come.
Pastor Rankin was born in Seneca, S.C.
He graduated from Lee College (now Lee University). While at Lee, Pastor Rankin met Patsy, and they were married in 1974.
His first pastorate was in Ohio where he served for 9 years. While there, they built a new sanctuary.
He returned to Seneca as a youth minister. Then he pastored at Marion, Ohio for 5 years. After that, he returned to South Carolina where he pastored in Manning and Myrtle Beach.
He has served at other churches .
He enjoys studying and teaching the Word. Both he and his wife love working with the Music Ministry. Recently his wife, Patsy, retired from teaching after 24 years.
While here in 2018 during Hurricane Florence, the Rankins were instrumental in receiving truckloads of supplies from their friends in Seneca, South Carolina.
While serving at the Hamer Church of God, the Rankins helped and witnessed the creation of the new Welcome Center at the church, the Loaves and Fishes Ministries, the purchase of a box truck for the supplies for the Loaves and Fishes Ministries, the remodeling of the Children’s Church, a new sign for the church, finished the repairs of the Family Life Center, and much more.
He contributed articles to THE DILLON HERALD, shared stories with THE DILLON HERALD, participated in the National Day of Prayer, and so much more.
Dr. James Orr of the Pyerian Baptist Church had these comments about Pastor Stan Rankin. “Pastor Rankin has been a Brother. He will continue his service with the Lord.”
Pastor Rankin has served for 50 years of which 40 of those years as a pastor. Papa Luke, Father-in-law of Pastor Rankin, stated “Stan is the best preacher”.
Pastor Rankin and his wife, Patsy, have 4 children, 3 granddaughters, and 2 grandsons. Pastor Rankin also has 2 sisters.
During the service, the Pastor’s Council, stated “It’s been a pleasure serving with you, Pastor Rankin.”
Rogena Deese with the Women’s Ladies Council presented Mrs. Patsy Rankin with gifts during the service.
Mrs. Rankin stated “Thank you for almost 4 years of ministry. I love you so much. You will always be in our hearts. Love you, Family.”
Paul, one of the Rankins’ sons, had these remarks: “God gave men women. After Jesus left and ascended, God gave pastors. Pastors do 1 job, and that is to equip people for ministry. Our parents empower you with love and the ministry. From all 4 of your children, all 4 of us love the Lord and honor you.”
Rankins’ oldest sister honored Stan and Patsy stating “God will continue to be faithful with Stan an Patsy. We love you.” The other sister also stated that Stan has served as her pastor for 13 years. “I thank God for what he has given them, and I love them.”
Wendell Williams, a former member of the church the Rankins pastored in Marion, Ohio. “They taught us to love the un-loveable. Taught us to focus and keep our eyes on God and love His Work. When the Rankins arrived at our church, they changed our church. They are the best pastor and wife we have ever had. Stan shook a lot of bushes and brought a lot of people to our church. We are proud to be here. May God bless you.”
At the conclusion of the service, the Men’s and Ladies’ Committees of the Church (and the church members) prayed for the Rankins.