Have We Not Learned?

Have We Not Learned?

To The Editor:
I have learned, two NFL teams (Packers and Bills) chose not to come out for the National Anthem being played during this past weekend games and in turn disrespected our American Flag as well.
By the way, both of these NFL teams (Packers and Bills) lost their games. The two other teams that did come and respect our National Flag and took part in the singing of our National Anthem with hand over heart, they did win the games. God blessum!!
I’m not going to preach here, but I will make this one closing statement.. I am able to forgive everyone, it’s my responsibility, it’s my duty as a Christian, but I will not forget. I will make every effort humanly possible within’ me not to forget a single one of them.
BTW, another great episode of Columbo was on MeTV Sunday evening. It was filmed at the Citadel, where young recruits are in part, taught Character, Honor, Courage, Will. Maybe some of those NFL Players and Coaches that chose not to come out for the National Anthem could go through some training exercises themselves. They could use some thankfulness for their many blessings training instead of a show of said victim hood and ungratefulness. And too, they should consider who the true victims, if any, are. I will never be able to play a game in the NFL and I will likely never make those kind of salaries as they do, nor will anyone in my family. I was not born with size and great athleticism. My family’s DNA has not allowed us any privilege to excel in any professional sporting related events.
Some might would say we’ve been at a disadvantage due to our unfortunate stature and that we should be paid for all of the injustices we’ve had to face because of our small stature. Some might would say these professional leagues owe us because we haven’t been given the right to play and get paid in these sports leagues. But there is one person that you won’t hear saying anything like that. You won’t hear me saying, “I’m a victim,” you want see me playing, “the victim card.”
What little I have I am thankful for. And nobody gave me this little that I have, nobody owes me a dime, and praise God, I don’t owe anyone a dime either!
Life doesn’t turn out the same for everyone. I’m sure I could find some blame to toss around on others where I’ve come up short in life if I were to try, but I refuse to. I refuse to be a victim.
Yeah, I too have experienced things in this life that wasn’t fair, things that has worked against me while others benefited, but I’ve always just went on and tried harder and or tried another way. I have so learned, life is much better lived when you can see the positives in your life and have a deep measure of gratefulness. I have so learned that life is better seeing self as a victor than seeing self as a victim. And the simplicity of correcting your own misery and failures is by merely taking and applying this same said position that I have.
“Character, Honor, Courage, Will.” I wish more of our Country would step it up and practice more of these few, simple, yet most rewarding principles. Maybe somewhere along the way, more will. For the good of our Country, all of our Country, I certainly hope so.
Shoot, if you can’t be grateful for what you do have, just be thankful for what you don’t have! There are a lot of do haves that would love to be able to get rid of their own troubles.
Have we not learned? The answer is being more grateful not more hateful. May man work together with man while looking through the lens of scripture for the truths of life. All of man’s problems can be managed if he will agree on the fundamental of God and his holy word always being right. That is, if the Bibles that haven’t been yet changed and or canceled by this growing radical Socialist, Marxist culture.
Pastor James W. Bryant
712 Hatcher Court
Dillon, SC 29536

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