Town Of Lake View March 2020 Minutes

Special Meeting
March 5, 2020
Council Chambers
Date: Thursday, March 5, 2020
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Place: Lake View Council Chamber
Presiding: Matthew Elvington, Mayor
Present: Councilmembers Mertis Barnett, David Johnson, David Kitchens and Tony Hayes
Also Present: Karen Cook-Henderson
• Mayor Matthew Elvington opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
• Mayor Elvington presented a contract from Duke Energy for the lighting at the Walking Track. Councilmember David Kitchens made a motion to approve the contract from Duke Energy to install and maintain the lights as proposed. Councilmember David Johnson seconded. All were in favor.
• Mayor Elvington presented the proposals for resurfacing the asphalt at the Walking Track. Councilmember Tony Hayes made a motion to approve the proposal from Smith and Smith Contracting to resurface the Walking Track and Councilmember Mertis Barnett seconded. All were win favor and the motion passed.
• Mayor Elvington presented the design and proposal for the Splash Pad to Council. The funds for the Splash Pad would come from the accumulated Hospitality Tax revenue. After discussing what accessories would be required, the cost of insurance and the features of the Splash Pad, Councilmember David Johnson made a motion to accept the proposal to install the Splash Pad at the Walking Track. The motion was seconded by Councilmember David Kitchens and all were in favor to pass the motion.
• Mayor’s Report
• Council was provided a draft of the response letter to the Lake View Volunteer Fire Department.
With no further business, Councilmember Mertis Barnett made the motion to adjourn with Councilmember David Kitchens seconding. There was no discussion and all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.

Special Meeting
March 12, 2020
Council Chambers

Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Place: Lake View Council Chamber
Presiding: Matthew Elvington, Mayor
Present: Councilmembers Mertis Barnett, David Johnson, David Kitchens and Tony Hayes
Also Present: Sara Elvington and Karen Cook-Henderson
• Mayor Matthew Elvington opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
• Councilmember Tony Hayes made the motion to enter into Executive Session: Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements [30-4-70(a)(2)]. Councilmember Mertis Barnett offered the second and all were in favor. Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to exit Executive Session and Councilmember David Johnson seconded. All were in favor. Results of Executive Session – The Lake View Town Council was briefed by Mayor Elvington on the status of the contract with the current trash provider, AWS. As a result of poor customer service and months of missed pickups, the contract with AWS has been breached and AWS was served with notice that the Town of Lake View will terminate the contract effective March 31, 2020. Councilmember Tony Hayes made the motion to purchase a trash truck and polycarts so the Town of Lake View can service its residents. Councilmember David Kitchens offered the second and all were in favor so the motion passed.

With no further business, Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to adjourn with Councilmember Mertis Barnett seconding. There was no discussion and all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.

Special Meeting
March 16, 2020
Council Chambers
Date: Monday, March 16, 2020
Time: 6:30 P.M.
Place: Lake View Council Chamber

Presiding: Matthew Elvington, Mayor
Present: Councilmembers Mertis Barnett, David Kitchens and Tony Hayes
Absent: Councilmember David Johnson
Also Present: Karen Cook-Henderson
•Mayor Matthew Elvington opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
• Mayor Matthew Elvington made a motion to enact the Lake View Emergency Operation Procedures and declare an emergency in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Councilmember David Kitchens seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed.
With no further business, Councilmember Tony Hayes made the motion to adjourn with Councilmember Mertis Barnett seconding. There was no discussion and all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.

March 19, 2020
Council Chambers
Date: Thursday, March 19, 2020
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Place: Lake View Council Chamber

Presiding: Matthew Elvington, Mayor
Present: Councilmembers David Johnson and David Kitchens and Tony Hayes
Absent: Councilmember Mertis Barnett and Councilmember Tony Hayes
Also Present: Karen Cook-Henderson
1. Mayor Matthew Elvington welcomed everyone to the meeting and opened with prayer.
2. Councilmember David Kitchens made a motion to accept the minutes from the February 20, 2020
Regular Meeting, the March 5, 2020 Called Meeting, the March 12, 2020 Called Meeting and the March
16, 2020 Called Meeting and Councilmember David Johnson seconded. All were in favor.
3. Finance Report – Business Licenses are due in May and will be effective 6/1/2020. SC Department of
Revenue may have figures for us to compare reported revenues. The Town of Lake View audit is not completed and is expected in April.
4. Councilmember David Johnson made a motion to approve the application for the Law Enforcement Liability Reduction Grant through the MASC that will enable the Police Department to request partial reimbursement for some expenses. Councilmember David Kitchens seconded the motion and all were in favor.
5. Council reviewed the response to the request for funding by the Dillon County Rescue/Lake View Volunteer Rescue and approved the response.
6. Mayor Elvington shared with Council that John Smith inventoried, cleaned and serviced the fire trucks housed in Lake View. The contract to establish the Lake View Substation is in process.
7. Mayor Elvington advised Council that American Waste Systems (AWS) has not responded to the final breach of contract letter served on March 11, 2020 that advised them the Town of Lake View will end the contract on March 31, 2020. The truck and polycarts will be here for use in about two weeks.
8. Councilmember David Johnson made the motion to approve a $500.00 donation for the Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Assault and Councilmember David Kitchens seconded. All were in favor.
9. Mayor’s Report
a. The advertisement for the Maintenance/Street/Sanitation staff person will run in the Dillon Herald. Applications are available at Town Hall.
b. COVID-19 Pandemic Response – currently Recreation is suspended but Director Kenny Bethea is optimistic a short season can be run in May and June. FEMA has an RFP out for response which we will submit an application. The Lake View Municipal Court will continue all cases after March 23, 2020 until May 4, 2020. The Lake View Police Department will curtail contact and work with citizens on the phone to limit potential exposure. Citizens are asked to call 9-1-1 rather than go to the Police Station. Town Hall will close to in-person customers but will still be available by phone starting March 24, 2020.
c. The Walking Track is being resealed.
d. The fence screen for the Recreation Department was received.
e. The landscaping at the Welcome Signs is completed.
f. Town Hall renovations are under consideration with quotes and proposals being sought.
The USDA Rural Development Program has a grant that we will write for to offset the expenses.
This will be a project that goes out to bid.
g. Splash Pad agreement will be signed so work can begin. The agreement includes the installation of the Splash Pad but a fence, signage and pump house will still need to be installed.
h. Photographs of the Heritage Building were sent to Dillon County Economic Development to add the building to the website advertising available buildings.
10. Council Concerns
a. Councilmember David Kitchens asked that owner of the nuisance property at the intersection of W. 7th Ave and S. Cedar Street be contacted regarding the plans for the property as there has been an uptick in activity.
Other nuisance properties including the building at the intersection of E. 4th Ave and S. Ford Street and E. 3rd Ave and S. Walnut Street are need to be notified. Councilmember Kitchens raised the concern that AWS is failing to pick up yard debris.
b. Councilmember David Johnson voiced his appreciation for the forward motion in the right direction of the community.
The addition of the Splash Pad and beautification projects are good for the Town of Lake View. Councilmember Johnson asked that Duke Energy provide a cost estimate to add two more lights on Hwy #9.
Councilmember David Johnson made a motion to allow the Town Council to have meetings by Conference Call or other electronic means. Councilmember David Kitchens seconded and all were in favor.
With no further business, Councilmember David Johnson made the motion to adjourn with Councilmember David Kitchens seconding.
There was no discussion and all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.

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