Blueberry plants are often neglected after all the blueberries have been harvested. Consistent care for blueberry plants over the entire season will improve the chances for a good crop next season. Consistent moisture, proper fertility, and freedom from weed competition during the growing season will maintain good growth of blueberry plants.
Excessive grass or weeds completes with blueberry plants and adds to summer heat stress. Remove any weeds around the plants, but avoid using a weed eater because they can harm the then bark on the blueberry stems. After the weeds and grass are removed add a new layer of mulch to suppress any late season weeds. Mulch should be placed in a two- to three-inch layer in an open ring around each plant. Place the mulch near, but not piled against the lower stems. When mulching any woody plant, keep mulch off the lower plant stem to avoid disease and deterioration of the bark.
A rain gauge at the edge of your blueberry patch is a great monitoring tool to base your irrigation timing and amount applied. A rainfall of one to two inches per week is sufficient for blueberries. If supplemental water is needed in time of dry weather, construct a drip irrigation system. Applying water directly to the roots is the most beneficial way to water.
If your blueberry leaves are looking a little yellow, take a soil sample to establish what your soil conditions are. Yellowing of the leaves is a symptom of a nutrient deficiency.
Spending a little time now on your blueberry plants will keep them happy and healthy for next year’s crop.
For more information on blueberries, please visit the Home and Garden Information Center website at hgic.clemson.edu. Tune in on Tuesday nights to watch “Making it Grow” at 7pm on SCETV or mig.org. Email Outen at callenb@clemson.edu.
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