Yellow Jessamine Garden Club Meets

By Melissa Moody
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club met at the home of Frances Tyler on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. Cathy McDaniel opened up the meeting with prayer. Frances Tyler graciously served our meal to us as we chatted about our daily activities.
After our meal, Cathy McDaniel welcomed everyone and our meeting began. Our secretary, Mildred Mishue, read the minutes and called the roll by members responding with their favorite wildflower. Sixteen members were present. Our treasurer and committee officers gave their reports as well. Projects and Litter Director, Larue Bracey, gave an update on a few projects in the community our club is sponsoring. The Hwy. 9 J.P. Camp Roadside Park was given a new sign and the bricks around the Riverside Cemetery entrance were aligned. There will be a work day to freshen mulch and clean flower beds on April 21 @ 9:00 a.m. Frances Tyler gave an informative segment on hummingbirds; she reminded us to place our feeders outside for the hummingbirds as they arrive for spring. A wise quote from the program was: “An open mind collects the most nectar.”       Cathy McDaniel announced our unfinished business portion of the meeting.
Our 75th Anniversary Celebration was discussed by the directors, Mary Ricks and Mildred Mishue, along with our members.
It will be held on May 17, 2015 at The City of Dillon Wellness Center from 3:00-4:30 p.m. Garden Clubs in our area have been invited. The beautiful Jessamine invitations were mailed March 23, 2015 in order for each club to announce our celebration at their April meeting. Each member signed up for a variety of dishes to bring to our special occasion. We are truly excited for this approaching festivity.
The finale of our meeting was the installation of our new officers. Mildred Mishue, incoming president, presented Cathy McDaniel, outgoing president, with  a gift from the club.  Congratulations to the new officers: Mildred Mishue, President; Mary Ricks, Vice-President; Judy Powell, Secretary; Cathy McDaniel, Treasurer. Glenda Campbell won the door prize and the floral arrangement displayed was designed by Frances Tyler. We look forward to a new and spectacular 2015!
The YJGC is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., South Atlantic Region of National Council, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc., Coastal District of GCS

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