Pilot Club Governor-Elect Visits Dillon

President Jamie Sue Stephens and The Pilot Club of Dillon had the pleasure of having Mr. Joseph Cunningham, Governor-Elect of South Carolina, as the speaker of their meeting on Thursday, September 25.  Mr. Cunningham spoke on the wonderful reasons to be a Pilot and how Pilots can be recruited. Mrs. Millie Stanton gave the devotion and prayer for the meeting. Afterwards, a delicious meal was provided by The Pilots and the meeting adjourned. Standing left to right back row: Johnnie Luehrs, Dot Watson, Jenny Hood, Julie Hatcher, Ashley Webster, Dorothy Stephens, Melissa Moody, Jamie Sue Stephens (Middle row) right to left: Millie Stanton, Frances Shillingburg, Vickie Simerly, Chris Harris, Edna Daniels; Sitting: Governor Elect of South Carolina District, Joseph Cunningham. (Contributed Photo)

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