In Support Of Public Parks

At recent meetings of the Dillon City Council, there has been discussion about closing the Elizabeth Lane Park, one of Dillon’s four city parks.
With the City of Dillon’s constant focus on quality of life, it would seem a shame to close any one of the city parks. Instead, the city should look into upgrading the parks and making them more appealing.
The city has not hesitated to spend large amounts of funds on the Wellness Center and the municipal golf course in the name of quality of life. They both benefit a limited number of users and most activities at these two locations require fees or memberships to participate.
That’s the beauty of a public park. Our public parks require no memberships or fees. They are open to everyone. The richest person or the poorest person in town can go there. All ages can enjoy the park from the youngest citizen to the oldest. Children can play in the parks. People enjoy picnics and time with their families in the parks. Others come just to sit and enjoy nature and the surroundings. There is a great deal that one can do in the park at no charge.
The parks are just as much of an investment in the quality of life in our community as the Wellness Center or the golf course, and they can be used by a broader spectrum of the public.
An investment in our public parks will be well worth it to many people.

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