Rev. James Orr, members, former members and guests celebrated Homecoming on Sunday, October 7, 2012 at Pyerian Baptist Church.
The church was organized in 1903, and has celebrated many homecomings.
The pastor gave a hearty welcome to everyone and began the service with prayer. Scripture was read responsively by the pastor and congregation.
Specials in song were given by the Children and Adult Choirs. Special music was provided by Jimmy Lee and his daughter, Sandra from Lumberton, NC.
The guest minister was Rev. Jimmy Fore, a former member of Pyerian Baptist Church. Jimmy felt the call of God into the ministry and was licensed by the church on January 31, 1965.
He was a faithful servant whom God used to pastor several churches, reaching many souls for Christ. He is now retired from full time pastoring, but is still working for the Lord. He doesn’t like the word retire because Christians never retire from serving God. His message was from the book of Psalms.
It was a message of salvation, trust and encouragement. It was a message of hope now and the future life in Heaven for all who have repented and accepted Christ as Savior.
The Holy Spirit touched lives through the preaching of the Word.
After we were fed spiritually “the Bread of Life,” the pastor gave the blessing and had the benediction. The people went to the Fellowship Hall and enjoyed a bountiful meal. The attendance was very good.
As the people fellowshipped together, it reminds us of the “Great Homecoming in Heaven.”
What a glorious time that will be when “born again believers” sit down with the Savior at the “marriage supper of the Lamb,” Revelation 19:7-9.