From the Unofficial Minutes
The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regularly monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the District Administrative Conference Room. Notices of the meeting were duly exercised and published per school board policy.
Trustees present were: Kyle Berry, Edward Bethea, Linda James, Betty Jo Johnson, Kenneth Kitts and Eddie Watson.
Chair Betty Jo Johnson called the meeting to order and Dr. Kirby opened the meeting with prayer. Chair Johnson welcomed all present.
There being no additions or corrections to the April 12, 2011 minutes, Chair Johnson ruled that they stand approved.
Architect Danny Shelley and Dr. Kirby reviewed with the Board the bids for the auditorium and the changes to the other high school projects.
Dr. Kirby presented an outline of the project expenditures in three phases.
Kyle Berry made the motion seconded by Eddie Watson to proceed with phase one and not to exceed 2.3 million.
Vote was unanimous. Donna Taylor presented a status report on the General Fund Budget.
After discussion, a motion was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Eddie Watson to accept as first reading the 2011-2012 general operations budget as presented by Donna Taylor. Vote was unanimous.
Latta High School Principal George Liebenrood presented the 2011 textbooks for adoption as recommended by the high school staff.
A motion to adopt these textbooks was made by Kenneth Kitts and seconded by Edward Bethea. Vote was unanimous.
Larry Legette gave an update on the school facilities.
A motion to recommend to the Town of Latta to approve the annexation of the new Latta Early Childhood site into the Latta Town Limits was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Kenneth Kitts. Vote was unanimous.
A motion to recommend to the Town of Latta and the South Carolina Department of Transportation to name/rename the road leading to the new Latta Early Childhood site as “Viking Drive” was made by Kenneth Kitts and seconded by Eddie Watson. Vote was unanimous.
Upon Dr. Kirby’s recommendation the following motions were made:
* A motion to approve the hiring of Margot Griggs as band director and Johnny Wright, Kelly Williamson, Corey Wilson, Douglas Jackson and Randy Page as assistant coaches was made by Kenneth Kitts and seconded by Edward Bethea. Vote was unanimous.
* A motion to accept the resignations of Patricia Hester, Ginger Stone and Maribeth Osborn was made by Eddie Watson and seconded by Kenneth Kitts. Vote was unanimous.
A motion to go into executive session to discuss a personnel contract was made by Kyle Berry and seconded by Eddie Watson. Vote was unanimous.
Reconvening from executive session no action was taken.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Latta School Board Holds May Meeting
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