‘Pee Wee’ Webster Recognized For Service To County

The Dillon County Council presented outgoing County Councilman James “Pee Wee” Webster a plaque and a clock with a county seal in recognition and appreciation of his 20 years of service to Dillon County. Webster has served for 20 years on council having started in 1991 and ending on  December 31, 2010. The presentations were made by Chairman Macio Williamson and Vice-Chairman Archie Scott. Webster was also  honored with a reception. Webster said he has enjoyed serving the people of Dillon County and not just those in his district, but the whole county. He said it has been an honor to have served with this council and previous councils. He said he is not going anywhere and is close as a phone call away. (Photo by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald)

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