Senate Report: Women’s History Month

We celebrate Women’s History Month the entire month of March! The theme this year is “Valiant Women of the Vote,” honoring the women who have fought for woman’s right to vote. This year marks the 30th anniversary of women’s history celebrations. Women’s History Month is a perfect opportunity to honor and learn about the countless remarkable women and share the importance of women in society.
This year is the centennial of the 19th Amendment. We cannot celebrate that without honoring the original suffrage movement. Twentieth and 21st century women continue the fight against voter roll purges, limitations on early voting and absentee voting, voting procedure disinformation and identification requirements to ensure voting rights not just for women but for all.
Women have contributed to the world in many important ways. Their research has produced life saving medical procedures and medicine. Most of us are familiar with Marie Curie and her contributions to science but there are many more. Women have created countless inventions that deserve recognition and a nod of thanks:
Nancy Johnson-The ice cream maker 1843
Dr. Shirley Jackson- Caller ID and call waiting 1970
Josephine Cochrane – Dishwasher 1872
Anna Connelly -Fire escape 1887
Letitia Geer-Medical syringe 1899
Margaret A. Wilcox – Car heater 1893
Florence Parpart Street sweeper 1900
Mary Anderson – Windshield wiper 1903
Marion Donovan -Disposable diaper 1950
Stephanie Kwolek -Bullet-proof fiber 1966
Ida Forbes – Electric hot water heater 1917
Florence Parpart – Electric refrigerator 1914
Alice Parker -Central heating 1919
El Dorado Jones -Airplane muffler 1917
Melitta Benz -Coffee filter 1908
The list goes on. Women’s History Month is the time for everyone celebrate the progress and contributions that women have made and remember there is still work to do! The march continues.
As with all matters concerning state government, I want to hear your opinions and suggestions concerning these issues. Please contact me in my Columbia office located at 602 Gressette Office Building. You can reach me, or a member of my staff in Columbia at (803) 212-6008 or by fax at (803) 212-6011 My district office is located at 1305 North Main Street, Marion, SC 29571, the phone number is (843) 423-8237 and the fax number is (843) 431-6049. You may also email me at
As always, I also want to supply you with my business phone number so that you will able to reach me easily at any time.
My business phone is (843) 423-3904.
Please use this information to write, call or email me with your suggestions and concerns regarding issues before the Senate.

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