Editorial: All Who Are Interested In The Future Of The Latta Library Should Show Up For Meeting

If you are interested in the Latta Library, you are one of the people in our community who should attend the community meeting planned for July 29th at 5:00 p.m. at the library.
The Latta Library recently received a wonderful contribution, and it has brought the future of the library to this question: Should they renovate the current library or build a new one in another location?
At this point, we are not going to state a position on whether we think the library should be renovated or a new one built; however, our position is this—anyone who has ever been interested in the Latta Library should make every effort to attend this meeting, and let their voices be heard.
Too often, we hear about issues such as these and sit back and don’t state how we feel about a particular subject. This decision is too important to the future of the library and to the community to not attend and express an opinion.
The article that appears on page 1A explains the situation. If you can’t attend the meeting, which we will say is at a poor time for much public attendance especially those who work, please write a letter to the editor, write a letter to the library board, but do something to let your voice be heard. We hope you will flood the newspaper with letters regardless of whether you want to renovate the current library or build a new one. Our policy is below.
It is not known by us whether or not this will be the only public meeting on this issue, so please attend and let your voices be heard.

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