Latta Town Council Minutes: August 2018-September 2018

Regular Meeting of the
Latta Town Council
August 9, 2018
7:00 p.m.
The Latta Town Council held a regular meeting on August 8, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Councilman Jarett Taylor, Trudy Drawhorn, Brian Mason, and James Reaves. Councilman Mason called the meeting to order, led by the Pledge of Allegiance, and Pastor Fennel offered prayer. Mayor Nancy Brigman, Councilman Andy Herring, and Councilman Edward Bethea were absent.

Minutes from Regular meeting on July 12, 2018
Councilman Drawhorn made a motion to accept the minutes and was seconded by Councilman Reaves.
It was unanimously approved by a roll call vote of council.

Minutes from Special meeting on July 17, 2018
Councilman Drawhorn made a motion to accept the minutes and Councilman Reaves seconded.
It was unanimously approved by a roll call vote of council.

Pastor Fennell from the
Latta Church of God
Pastor Fennell stated that this is the third council meeting he has come to and by the next two council meetings he will need sewer. Councilman Taylor asked what would be the expectation of the church from the town minus the sewer connection. Taylor has spoken with Mike Hanna. Taylor said at the last meeting, Fennell said it was 167 feet from the sewer connection and actually it’s about 800 feet from the connection with a 2-inch line, and the price given by Hanna doubles or triples. Taylor said they could all go and meet with Mike Hanna and see how much it is going to cost and see how much the church is willing to pay. Councilman Taylor said he thought they can work together and they can accomplish something. Pastor Fennell said he was willing to do what we have to do to get the sewer tap, but doesn’t want to do it all. Councilman Mason said that we need to sit down with Mike Hanna and get a more concrete price so we can discuss this better. Councilman Taylor got the pastor’s information, and he is going to get with Mike Hanna to set up a meeting so they can discuss the cost of the tap and see what can be done.

Department Reports
Water/Sewer/Street Report
Lyle Hayes handed all the council members his report and said he didn’t have anything to add to the report. Councilman Mason asked if anyone had any questions for Lyle. Councilman Taylor asked what equipment isn’t working, other than the two pieces of equipment they talked about. Lyle said that the chipper was down again, the bulldozer is still down, David’s truck (but he has the parts to fix it), and the sewer machine, but someone is getting him a quote on it. Councilman Drawhorn stated that the trash truck doesn’t have any lights working on it in the back, and there is a lot of danger out there. Lyle said he just put two LED lights on it about two weeks ago. Councilman Drawhorn said if they are working they didn’t have them on and when it’s dumping, one side doesn’t dump all the way. It is half dumping and it is taking twice the time for them to dump the trashcans. Lyle said he didn’t know anything about it.

Park and Rec report
Dwayne Buckner read his report and wanted to congratulate the Ponytails for their World Series championship. They went through the district, state, and World Series tournaments with an undefeated record. This is the second World Series title for the softball programs in the last three years. The last title came with the Angels program in 2015.
Football and cheerleading signups have begun, and the regular season will begin in September.

Judge’s Report
Judge Janette Dupree gave council a copy of her report and asked if they had any questions.

Police Report
Chief Derrick Cartwright was absent so Lt. Josh Holt read his report. It stated that he is currently in the process of seeking a victim’s advocate.
They have purchases a promotional canopy tent using some of the funds that were collected from the last sale on GovDeals. This canopy tent has the police department’s patch and name on all sides and on the back wall of the tent. The police department will use this during events.
An officer resigned to accept employment outside of law enforcement. They will be going through applications and starting the process to replace the position.

Council Reports
Councilman Taylor
Councilman Taylor stated that they received word from the RIA that they got their special conditions ground award to repair the tank.
The freezer down at the Latimer school is shot. The school said they were going to help the town out, and their help is going to be in the form of giving someone who can do the work. Councilman Taylor said it would cost about $5,500 to repair the freezer. They have someone who is willing to donate $1,000 so it will be about $4,500. He needs permission to repair the freezer. The money will come out of the account at Anderson Brothers Bank. That account is for repair at the Latimer school, and there is about $9,000–$10,000 in the account.
Councilman Mason made a motion to pay up to $6,000 to set the parts necessary so the school can install the new compressor to get the freezer working again and it was seconded by Councilman Drawhorn.
It was unanimously approved by a roll call vote of council.
Councilman Taylor said they are in the process of getting the property appraised at the Jones building.
He was approached by Mr. Richard Schafer about the Town of Latta possibly supplying the American Red Cross Chapter over in the schoolhouse seeing how that was our shelter. He told him he didn’t have a problem.
An Arborist will be here at the end of the month to look at Church Street and see how that project is going to progress and if that is something we can do or get grant money to do.

Councilman Drawhorn stated they met with the grant people they had gotten for parks and recreation, and they gave them a check for $4,484. They said there is more money the town could get for park and rec, and we could use it to upgrade the gym.

Regular Meeting of the
Latta Town Council
September 13, 2018
7:00 p.m.
The Latta Town Council held a regular meeting on September 13, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. The following were present: Councilman Brian Mason, Jarett Taylor, Trudy Drawhorn, Edward Bethea, and James Reaves. Councilman Mason called the meeting to order, and Councilman Taylor offered prayer. Mayor, Nancy Brigman and Councilman, Andy Herring were absent.
Councilman Taylor wanted to let everyone know what the town has been doing to prepare for the storm. He listed several things.

Ed Hayes III
On behalf of LRC, Hayes presented a check for $2,500 for their part with the new digital sign. The council thanked LRC.
Motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Bethea and seconded by Councilman Reaves.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.

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