Latta School Board Minutes: October 9, 2018

October 9, 2018
(Minutes submitted are unofficial until approved at the next month’s regular monthly meeting.)

The Latta School board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the District Administrative Conference Room.
Trustees present were Kyle berry, Ray George, Vanessa Harrison, Kwame Hennagan, Stuart Poston, Eleanor Powers, and JoAnne Williamson.
Chair Kyle Berry welcomed all present and Dr. John Kirby opened with prayer.
Wade Brown was recognized as Teacher of the Year for the district.
There being no corrections or additions to the August 14, 2018 minutes and the current agenda, Chair Kyle Berry ruled that they stand approved.

Donna Taylor presented the status reports for July 2018 and August 2018 on the General Fund budget.
Donna Taylor updated the Board on the School Resource Officer Grant.
An annual update of all federal programs was given by George Liebenrood.
George Liebenrood presented state test scores.
Larry Legette gave an update on damage to school property from Hurricane Florence and the school activity bus.
Eleanor Powers shared the Ellis Performing Arts Center upcoming events with the Board.
Dr. Kirby gave an update on the Latta Elementary School Trail.
Dr. Kirby discussed nominating a delegate to the South Carolina School board Association’s 2018 Delegate Assembly.
Dr. Kirby gave an update on applying for a safety grant.

A motion was made by Stuart Poston to approve first reading and waive second reading of the follow policies:
AC- Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity, EBCB- Safety Drills, GBA- Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action, GCE- Professional Staff Recruitment, GCEC- Posting and Advertising Professional Vacancies, GCF- Professional Staff Hiring, GCO- Evaluation of Administrative Staff, GCO-R- Evaluation of Administrative Staff, GDF- Support Staff Hiring, IHAE- Physical Education, IHAM- Health Education, IHBA- Special Education/Programs for Students with Disabilities, IKA-R- Grading/Assessment Systems, IKADD- Content and Credit Recovery, IKADD-R- Content and Credit Recovery, IKF- Graduation Requirements, IKF-R- Graduation Requirements, IKFC- Employability Credential, IKFC-R- Employability Credential, JHCB- Released Time For Religious Instruction, JLDBB-R- Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention, and JRA-E- Opt-Out Information For Parents/Legal Guardians Of All Students In Grades Nine through Twelve.
JoAnne Williamson seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
Dr. Kirby discussed Policy GCC Staff Leave and Absences with the Board.
A motion was made by JoAnn Williamson and seconded by Eleanor Powers to forgive three school days and make-up three school days that were missed due to weather. Days will be made up in June. Vote was unanimous.

A motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel legal matter was made by Kwame Hennagan and seconded by JoAnn Williamson.
Vote was unanimous.
A motion by Eleanor Powers seconded by JoAnn Williamson was made ot accept a ruling that the district had a non-deliberate and an unintentional technical violation in its established Board policy contract process versus an unknown S.C. Ethics Commission procedure.
The conflict with such was corrected in the fall of 2017. Vote was unanimous.
In the other action on a motion by Ray George seconded by Stuart Poston the Board pursuant to S.C. Section 59-17-110 approved the payment or reimbursement of reasonable and customary legal fees on behalf of Employee “A” regarding a State Board of Education matter that arose from acts done in good faith performance of Employee “A’s” duties as discussed in executive session and that the legal fees be reviewed as they arise by the chair in consultation with the Board legal counsel, Halligan, Mahoney and Williams. Vote was unanimous. There being no further business, Chair Kyle Berry adjourned the meeting at 9:00.

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