Two Dillon County Men Take Part In Mission Trip To Spain

Dr. James Orr, pastor of Pyerian Baptist Church and Mr. John Henry Williams, of Dillon First Baptist Church were part of an eleven person team to Madrid, Spain recently, April 8-15. They were working with Rob White Ministries of Simpsonville, SC. The goal was to establish contacts for future work in the Madrid area.

The team saw 17 people make a decision for Jesus Christ, and the establishment of a new house church, as well as numerous contacts. “One of the most valuable things we achieved was making important contacts for the future,” said Orr. “We learned so much about the city, its spiritual needs, and the logistics of moving around in a city of six million people. Madrid is an old city, especially by US standards and also hosts nearly 70 million tourists every year.

Because of this, new strategies were developed to make contact with local residents; like using flowers as a giveaway on the street to begin conversations. We also engaged in evangelistic meals to sit down in small groups with people, to share the Gospel and learn more about them.” The team hopes to return to Madrid next spring.

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