Latta School Board Minutes: March 2018

March 13, 2018
(Minutes submitted are unofficial until approved at the next month’s regular monthly meeting.)
The Latta School board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 13 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the Latta High School Library. In accordance with S.C. Code of Laws of 1976, as amended, Section 30-4-80(E). The Dillon Herald was notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting. This agenda is also posted in the District Office and on the district website.
Trustees present were Kyle Berry, Ray George, Vanessa Harrison, Stuart Poston, Eleanor Powers, and JoAnn Williamson. Kwame Hennagan was absent.
Chair Kyle Berry welcomed all present and Dr. John Kirby opened with prayer.
Dr. John Kirby conducted the election of Board Officer. A motion was made by Ray George and seconded by Stuart Poston to nominate a slate of Officers. Vote was unanimous. A motion was made by ray George and seconded by JoAnn Williamon to keep the current slate of Officers that are now serving. They are as follows: Kyle Berry, Chair, Eleanor Powers, Vice-Chair, and Vanessa Harrison, Secretary. Vote was unanimous.
There being no corrections or additions to the February 13, 2018 minutes and the current agenda, Chair Kyle Berry ruled that they stand approved.

Donna Taylor presented the status report for January 2018 on the General Fund budget.
Donna Taylor shared additional preliminary budget savings information with the Board.
George Liebenrood presented the Physical Science and Spanish textbooks selected for adoption for the 2018-2019 school year. A motion to adopt the textbooks selected was made by Stuart Poston and seconded by Eleanor Powers. Vote was unanimous.
George Liebenrood updated the Board on additional library funding.
An update on the Athletic Hall of Fame induction was given by George Liebenrood.
Leigh Sloan presented information on 2017-2018 programs at Latta High School.
Donovan McMillan presented his computer science principles course project to the Board.
Summer Tyler presented her senior career exit project to the Board.
Donnie Roberts presented information about the duel enrollment mechatronics class to the Board.
Larry Legette updated the Board on the Conser Fund.
Dr. John Kirby reminded Board Members to complete their Ethnic Form by the deadline.
Christy Berry updated the Board on the Latta High School European trip.
Dr. John Kirby shared school consolidation articles with the Board.
Board members were updated on the 2017-2018 per pupil revenue by school district report.
Dr. John Kirby updated the board on the Latta Middle School and the Latta High School Academic Challenge teams winning the regional’s for the Pee Dee area. Both teams will compete in the state finals at Francis Marion on March 22, 2018.
Sandy Jones gave an update on after school services.
Eleanor Powers shared the Ellis Performing Arts Center upcoming events with the Board.

A motion was made by Eleanor Powers and seconded by Stuart Poston to accept as first reading Policy IKA-R. Vote was unanimous.
Upon the principals’ recommendation, a motion to approve the hiring of new staff and the resignations of current staff was made by Ray George and seconded by JoAnn Williamson. Vote was unanimous.
There will be no further business; Chair Kyle Berry adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m.

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