Latta School Board Minutes: February 2018

The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the District Administrative Conference Room. In accordance with S.C. Code of Laws of 1976, as amended, Section 30-4-80(E). The Dillon Herald was notified of the time, date, place, and agenda of this meeting. The agenda is also posted in the District Office and on the district website.
Trustees present were Kyle Berry, Ray George, Vanessa Harrison, Kwame Hennagan, and Stuart Poston. Eleanor Powers and JoAnn Williamson were absent.
Chair Kyle Berry welcomed all present and Dr. Kirby opened with prayer.
There being no correction or additions to the January 9, 2018 minutes and the current agenda, Chair Kyle Berry ruled that they stand approved.


Donna Taylor presented the status report for December 2017 on the General Fun budget. George Liebenrood presented the school health report and highlighted areas of services provided to staff and students.
An athletic update on sports programs in the school district was given by George Liebenrood.
George Liebenrood updated the Board on the preliminary accreditation report status of Latta Schools.
Larry Legette updated the Board on the environmental prevention actions the schools are taking to reduce student exposure to illnesses.
Dr. John Kirby reminded Board Members to complete their Ethic Form by the deadline.
An update on school roof repairs was given by Dr. John Kirby.
Board Members were updated on the status of the Latta Elementary School nature trail.
The superintendent goals for the 2018-2019 school year were presented by Dr. John Kirby.
Dr. John Kirby shared the Ellis Performing Arts Center upcoming events with the Board.

The results of the Superintendent’s Evaluation forms were presented by Dr. John Kirby.
A motion was made by Ray George and seconded by Kwame Hennagan to approve the school calendar for the 2018-2019 school year. Vote was unanimous.
Dr. John Kirby discussed the preliminary budget savings five-year plan with the Board.

A motion to go into executive session to discuss the Superintendent’s contract was made by Stuart Poston and seconded by Kwame Hennagan. Vote was unanimous.

Reconvening from executive session a motion to extend the Superintendent’s contract through the 2019-2020 school year was made by Stuart Poston and seconded by Vanessa Harrison. Vote was unanimous.
There being no further business, Chair Kyle Berry adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

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