Discussion Underway About New Location For DHEC

Discussion has occurred at some recent Dillon County Council meetings about a new location for DHEC (the health department).
At a called meeting on May 12, Linda Johnson from DHEC appeared before council to discuss the matter. TheyMay 12 minutes state the following about the presentation: “County Administrator Rodney Berry told Council that the DHEC building has serious issues and that they are looking at partnering with CareSouth who has some funds. We have looked at several properties and nothing has worked out. We are looking at land we own beside the Animal Shelter across from the Detention Center. We fund DHEC about $16,000.00 per year which is state mandated. A possibility is donating land, about $15,000.00 according to the last appraisal and this would give us a new facility and free up this facility that we have now but that would be Council discretion as to what they want to do. Linda Johnson from DHEC told Council that their Federal partners in WIC have $274,000.00 which is for upgrades done to the facility and they are partnering with CareSouth who has $500,000.00 to help them. She explained that the Health Department would just be a tenant of the facility and hope that they when the building could be constructed that Dillon County would take on the responsibilities of tenant fees for Health Department which would only take up a small section of the building.”
“Rodney Berry told Council that the desire would be that the County owned property be deeded over that the purpose of building a one stop medical facility and having a long term relationship with CareSouth. Rodney also said that the property is about eight acres and that he would suggest that the County would deed the property to them for $1.00 and asks them to forfeit our funds for this year which is about the equivalent, the land cost $15,000.00 and that is about what we usually pay them. Discussion was held. Archie Scott asked if the Animal Shelter may want to expand and Rodney Berry said he would need to talk to Douglas Pernell. Also, if the building is owned by CareSouth and DHEC will be tenants, can we give land to a private entity. Can we maintain maintenance on a private building. Archie Scott explained that CareSouth is a private entity and would be making a profit. He said that this issue needs to be looked into more.”
At the May 24th meeting of the Dillon County Council, further information was given on the proposal. The minutes from this meeting state the following: “Rodney Berry told Council that this was for information only. This pertains to DHEC property. They have teamed with CareSouth and also have grant money. They have asked for CareSouth to buy the property for $6000.00 and in return we give $6000.00, opposed to our normal $14,000.00 mandated to them next year. This will be put in an ordinance. We will not be responsible for maintenance.” (*Note: “We” refers to the county.)

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