Summer Course Request, School Calendar, And More On District Four Agenda

By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon District Four Board of Trustees approved the summer course request, a school wellness policy, and personnel recommendations at their meeting on Monday night.
The minutes of the February 20, 2017 meeting were approved on a motion by Trustee Burt Rogers and a second by Trustee Alex Lewis.

Superintendent Ray Rogers gave the construction update. He said there was some water coming off of the roof of the auditorium, and a drain was going to have to be put in.

Finance Report
Finance Director Art McMillan gave the finance report. He said 63.5 percent of the budget has been expended.
He said the South Carolina Department of Education had done their annual risk assessment.
The score is based on “overall financial and programmatic performance.” Dillon District Four received a low risk score.

Summer Courses
Lynn Liebenrood, Director of Student Services, presented the summer course request to the board. They will once again offer the driver education course. Greg Dozier will teach the class at Dillon High School. Johnny Dew will teach the class at Lake View High School. The class is for rising 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students. There is a maximum of 30 students per class, and registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registration dates are April 3 through May 26 at the main offices of both schools.
Two courses called Personal Development/Service Learning I and II “for students who need a ninth elective course for graduation or another elective course for athletic eligibility.” Jackie Hayes will teach you these classes.
The course descriptions are:
Personal Development /Service Learning I
“This summer course provides students with opportunities for serving learning through character development activities. Students will learn the meaning and benefits of responsibility, dependability, cooperation, teamwork and employability by performing service learning activities directly linked to fostering self-confidence and school pride. A total of 120 hours of service must be performed to earn one unit of elective credit.”
Personal Development /Service Learning II
“This summer course follows Personal Development/Service Learning I. Students will refine the character development skills learned during the first course. Students will continue working under the direction of their instructor to complete service learning projects that directly benefit the school and community. Employability skills of punctuality, conflict resolution, cooperation among peers, and teamwork will continue to be stressed. A total of 120 hours must be completed to earn one unit of elective credit.”
The Personal Development/Service Learning I and II “will be offered at no cost to the student.”
“Dillon High School and Lake View High School will also offer courses for those students who failed a content course with a grade between 50-59 utilizing the software program called A+ Credit Recovery.”
Trustee Famon Whitfield made the motion to approve the summer course request seconded and by B. Rogers. All present approved.

School Wellness
Dr. Polly Elkins, Assistant Superintendent for Administration and Personnel, presented the changes to Policy ADF School Wellness. She said these were things they already adhere to, but needed to be added to the policy for the state department and Washington. Some things were taken out. She said basically it was an update to wording. Wording was added to the purpose:
“Purpose: To establish the basic structure for the promotion of wellness in all schools in the district. The district food service program will operate under the current guidelines and standards established by federal and state regulations.”
Some of the other additions include:
-“All school meals are in compliance with current USDA nutrition standards.”
-“All schools will provide breakfast through the USDA School Breakfast Program.”
-“After obtaining food, students will have at least 10 minutes of “seat time” for breakfast and 20 minutes of “seat time” for lunch.”
-“Appropriate supervision shall be provided in the cafeteria and rules for safe behavior shall be consistently enforced.”
-“Free drinking water is available in all school cafeterias.”
-“The USDA Professional Standards for State and Local Nutrition Programs are followed to ensure that professional development in the area of food and nutrition is provided for food service directors, managers, and staff.”
-“All vending machines, schools stores and concession stands will be closed during school lunch service time.”
-“All beverages sold to students during the school day are required to meet or are in compliance with USDA Smart Snack nutrition standards.”
-“Food for class parties/celebrations must comply with USDA Smart Snacks. One traditional party food is permitted. Parent should check with teachers about any allergies and classrooms before bringing foods for classroom use. /_asset/nvgd8g/13-6162_HSPHealthyCelebration.pdf”
-“All food sold the students during the school day are required to meet or are in compliance with the USDA Smart Snack federal nutrition standards. (Vending machines, canteens, school stores, concession stands and a la carte)”
-“The complete Smart Snack Standards available at”
-“Fundraising activities shall strive to support healthy eating and wellness. [Food items sold in fundraisers that meet the nutrition requirements are not limited. The number of fundraisers exempt from nutrition requirements will be determined by the South Carolina State Board of Education.] The exemptions do not apply to food sold in canteens, vending machines, school stores, and concession stands that regularly sell food throughout the school year. The school principal or his/her designee, not the cafeteria staff will complete the Smart Snack Annual School-Based Exempt Fundraiser Summary Report and the Smart Snacks Individual Exempt Fundraiser Checklist. File: EFE-E (1) File: EFE-E (2)” *Bracketed area was already part of the policy.
-“Encourages staff to model healthy eating/drinking behavior by eating school meals.”
Nutrition Education
-“Nutrition education shall be linked with the school food environment.”
-“Nutrition education curriculum is aligned with state and federal learning objectives and standards.”
-“Students will have the opportunity to visit local farms where produce is grown for local consumption.”
-“Schools will provide nutrition education lessons that cover topics such as reading a Nutrition Facts label.”
Physical Education and Activity
-“The physical education curriculum for grades K-12 meets state physical education standards. The Student Health and Fitness Act and Defined Minimum Program (Source: and”
-“Physical education for grades K-12 is required we taught by a certified/licensed teacher who has endorsed to teach physical education.”
-“All students K-12 will be provided with a regular activity break throughout the school day.”
-“All elementary school students grades K-5 must have 60 Minutes of physical education per week and 90 minutes of planned physical activity per week.”
-“Schools shall provide at least 20 minutes of active recess daily to all elementary students.”
-“School shall encourage participation in after school sports, intramurals and other non competitive physical activity programs via school announcements, newsletters, and/or posters. Schools aim to promote physical activity opportunities for all students.”
-“Elementary schools to designate a PE teacher to serve as Physical Activity Director and coordinate physical activity outside of the schedule PE time.”
-“Encourages staff to model physical activity by participating in exercise breaks with their students.”
-“Recommend that staff use physical activity as a reward when feasible.”
-“The district abides by the SC Academic Standards for Physical Education for grades K-12.”
-“Principals shall encourage staff to model healthy behaviors including healthy eating and physical activity. To the extent feasible, staff shall model healthy behaviors for students, including healthy eating/drinking and physical activity.”
Implementation, Evaluation, and Communication
-“The assistant superintendent or his/her designee shall be responsible for ensuring that the wellness policy is implemented throughout district schools.”
-“ Schools that are not in compliance with the district wellness policy will be provided with the specified period of time to institute appropriate changes and will be provided with assistance, as needed.”
-“ School principals will be required to report to the assistant superintendent or his/her designee and district wellness committee on progress toward compliance until goals are reached.”
-“The CSHAC committee will periodically review the local wellness policy to ensure that it meets state and federal standards.”
-“Every three years the committee will review the latest national recommendations pertaining to school health and will update the wellness policy accordingly.”
-“The CSHAC committee shall prepare a report annually for the superintendent, school staff, students and parents, evaluating the implementation of wellness policy and regulations and including any recommended changes or revisions.”
-“Annual report will be shared with public via district website.”
-“The CSHAC committee meets semi-annually throughout the school year.”
-“The CSHAC committee shall conduct a quantitative assessment every two years using Wellness School Assessment Tool Implementation.”
Wellness Promotion and Marketing
-“School shall promote healthy food items. Promotions included but not limited to taste test, posters and signage.”
-“Only foods and beverages that meet Smart Snacks school nutrition standards can be marketed and advertised on school property. (Refer to USDA Summary of the Final Rule).”
-“Advertising of any food beverage that may not be sold on campus during the school day is prohibited.”
-“All advertizing in school publications and school media outlets must be approved by the principal.”
-“Every effort will be made to select educational materials for your brand name/logos of unhealthy food.”
-“Prohibits advertising of food and beverages that cannot be sold to students during the school day with exemption of documented exempt fundraisers.”
-“Schools shall encourage participation in after-school sports, intramurals and other non-competitive physical activity programs via in school announcements, school newsletters, posters, etc.”
-“It is recommended that schools avoid participation in fundraising or corporate incentive programs that promote a message inconsistent with the goals of the school districts for healthy school community.”
The motion to accept the changes was made by B. Rogers and seconded by Lewis. All present approved.
Superintend Rogers said every child in Dillon District Four eats a free breakfast and a free lunch. He said it was “the best thing that ever happened… every child gets to eat free. He said it puts everyone on an even playing field.”

School Calendar
Elkins presented the school calendar. They will start school two days earlier due to the solar eclipse. The district will have early dismissal on August 21st due to the eclipse. Some schools in the state will be off that day. The extra days will also allow students to have off January 1st. Teachers will start August 10th. Students will start August 17th. Graduation will be May 31st. The motion to accept the calendar was made by Trustee Mike McRae and seconded by Whitfield. All present approved.
Dillon School District Four
School Calendar

July 4th…July 4th Holiday
August 1-4…School Administrative Training
August 8…Mentor/SMC Training 9 a.m.
August 9…New Teacher Orientation 8 a.m.; New Teacher Luncheon 12 Noon
August 10…New Teacher Technology Orientation 8 a.m.
August 10-11… Teacher Inservice-Workdays
August 15…Open House and Registration Noon-7 p.m.; Teachers arrive at 11 a.m.
August 17… First Day for Students
August 21… Early Dismissal Solar Eclipse Students and Faculty
September 4… Labor Day Holiday
September 19…Progress Reports
September 22…Teacher Inservice-Workday
October 20…45th Day
October 31…Report Cards
October 26… Parent Conferences (4 p.m.-7 p.m.)
October 27… Teacher Inservice-Workday (8 a.m.-12 Noon)
November 28… Progress Reports
November 22-24…Thanksgiving Holiday
December 11-19…Semester Exams
December 15… Half Day for Students/Half Day for Teachers
December 18-January 1…Winter Break
January 2…Students Return
January 12…90th Day
January 15…Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
January 18…Report Cards
February 16…Teacher Inservice Workday
February 20…Progress Reports
March 15…Parent Conferences (4 p.m.-7 p.m.)
March 16…Teacher Inservice-Workday (8 a.m.-12 Noon)
March 21…135th Day
March 27…Report Cards
April 2-6…Spring Break
May 1…Progress Reports
May 23-24…Senior Exams
May 28…Memorial Day Holiday
May 25-29…Underclass Exams
May 30…Make-Up Exams; Half Day for Students
May 31…180th Day; Half Day for Students; DHS Graduation 10 a.m.; LVHS Graduation 8 p.m.; Adult Education Graduation 2 p.m.
June 1… Teacher Inservice-Workday
June 4…Report Cards Mailed K-12

Inclement Weather Make-Up Days:
1st Semester: October 27th
2nd Semester: March 16th and June 1st.

The board approved the personnel recommendations on a motion by B. Rogers and a second by A. Lewis. Abstaining were Whitfield and McRae.

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