Downtown Improvement, Facade Grants Discussed At City Council Meeting

By Betsy Finklea
Mayor Todd Davis spoke about downtown improvement at a recent meeting of the Dillon City Council.
Davis said he and City Manager Glen Wagner had gone to the City of Florence and spoke with Ray Rich, the downtown economic development director. He said they had a great meeting. He e-mailed a packet of what they have done to revitalize their downtown.
He said their ideas could be done in a city of 3,000 or 5,000. Davis said this could be done right here in Dillon. He said this was on the agenda for the remainder of his term, and he was really excited about it.
Davis asked council for the approval to do the façade grant as soon as possible.
He said he would get copies of the Florence plan for the council. Florence initiated a maintenance and appearance code.
Davis said the money in the facade grant had been raised to $12,000.
Maggie Riales said it was not just the façade. It was everything from sidewalk to the curb.
Councilman Johnny Eller asked how they could get the message to the business owners once approved; Riales said she was going to mail letters and hold a meeting.
Eller asked if $12,000 was enough. Davis said it was on a first come, first serve basis. He said one has to fill out an application and get approved.  
Davis asked Riales who was going to approve the applications. She said the Board of Architectural Review. He said he wanted some additional people also.
She talked with Councilman John Braddy about a Downtown Development Committee, composed of citizens. Braddy said the more people involved in the process the better off they will be.
Riales said she would like to start now – not at the end of the fiscal year.
Eller asked if in the meantime they could get grants to offset costs and help downtown. Riales said they could when the grants come around again.
Davis said this is just a start. He said they need a downtown development association. He said they need volunteers – property owners, concerned citizens, etc.
Davis said he was excited about Dillon and what’s coming up, but we are not ready.
Braddy said they could have a downtown development association, but it would take a while to build it back up.
Riales said they need to take a look at the Board of Architectural Review. She was not able to get a quorum at an important meeting.
Braddy said this is an elephant and they were going to have to eat it one bite at a time. He said he thought it was a great start.
Braddy made a motion that they approve the guidelines and begin immediately. Eller seconded the motion, and the council approved the motion. The guidelines, printed verbatim from the draft, are as follows:
City of Dillon
Facade Incentive
Grant Program
2017-2018 Guidelines
1. The Façade Incentive Grant Program provides financial assistance for persons making physical improvements to private properties in the Downtown Commercial Historic District.
2. The improvements must be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and the Historic District Overlay Ordinance. Grant may only be used to improve visible façade to include building front, display windows, paint, shutters, signage, lighting, landscaping, awnings, planters/plants, tables/chairs, sandwich boards, artwork/sculpture, flags, etc.
3. For purposes of this new grant initiative, the word ‘façade’ shall mean the actual face of the structure itself and the sidewalk to the curbing at the street. Department of Transportation (DOT) requires a minimum of 5’ (five feet) clearance for pedestrian passageway. Any amenities placed within the five foot walkway will be liability of the owner. Awnings, and signage must meet the permitting heights and widths based on City ordinances.
4. Secretary of the Interior Standards requires that natural materials that have not been painted remain in their natural state, i.e. unpainted bricks and stone. If they have been previously painted, they may be painted again.
1. Properties located within the Historic Commercial District.
2. The legal owner of the property as listed in the County Property Records must provide permission for the work and agree to the maintenance of the property regarding the grant-assisted work. Potted plant materials paid for in part by the grant must be maintained.
1. Initial funding will be a total of $12,000 for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
2. Grant amounts will be funded at a reimbursement of 50%/50% up to a maximum of $3,000 per project. Example: Project cost – $6,000, the grant amount would be $3,000 reimbursable. Lesser amounts may be requested and reimbursable at 50%/50%.
3. Depending upon the funding availability, grant amounts for approved projects are 50% of the project total with a maximum of $3,000.
4. Grants are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no carry-over of funding or reimbursable projects from one fiscal year to the next (after June 30 of each year).
5. Projects must be completed with invoices, cancelled checks (front and back) and a final inspection submitted within the same fiscal year of approval date in order to receive reimbursement.
1. The applicant submits a COA, signed by the Applicant and the Property Owner, with a photograph of the property, and pictures of materials/items to be used, contractor information and contractor’s estimate.
2. Upon approval of the COA, before beginning project work, the applicant must submit a completed and signed Façade Grant Agreement with a copy of the approved COA.
1. Projects must be completed within the fiscal year they are started.
2. Construction projects require a building permit. Contact Code Enforcement Department at 843-774-0040 Ext. 1012 for permitting.
3. Contractors must have a professional trade license and city business license.
4. Any changes to the design after initial approval must be resubmitted to BAR for approval.
5. Any project not completed to the standards of the COA will not be reimbursed.
Reimbursement will occur only after:
1. Project completion and final inspection with approval by Code Enforcement and BAR Chairman.
2. Submission of invoices and two-sided cancelled check copies.
If you have any questions, contact: Maggie Riales, 1647 Commerce Drive, Dillon, 843-774-5167,
Wagner said this is just policy and could be changed monthly. Braddy said he thought this was a good way to get started, but it was just a start.

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