Place Your Classified Ad For Great Results

Classified Ads

The Dillon Herald, The Dillon County Shopper, and are the best way to advertise your yard sales, items for sale, homes for sale and rentals, automobiles for sale, jobs, services you offer or other business information , and much more. The Dillon Herald is a trusted source for your classified advertising.

Classified ads are $7.02 for 18 words or less. Every word over 18 is .39 cents per word.

If you run the same classified ad in the same week in The Dillon Herald  and The Dillon County Shopper, your ad is 1/2 price in The Shopper.

If you run the same classified ad in the same week in The Dillon Herald  and/orThe Dillon County Shopper, your ad is only $3.00 to run one  week on our website, When you run your ad on our website, we include a free link to your ad on our Facebook page, which has over 6,600 members.

You can get your 18 words or less ad in one issue of The. Dillon Herald,  The Dillon County Shopper, and with a free Facebook link for just $13.53 or include both issues of The Dillon Herald in this offer and pay just $20.55.

To place your ad , call 843-774-3311 or email PLEASE NOTE, we require pre-payment on yard sales .

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