Lake View Town Council Minutes: June 2016

Lake View Town Council Meeting – June 16, 2016
Presiding: Mayor
Boston Page, Jr.
Present: Council Members: Layton Townsend, David Johnson, and Matthew Elvington.
Also Present: Clerk Sara Elvington, Tabitha James with I am SHE, LLC, Martha Isabelle and Mary.
Mayor Page opened the meeting by asking Council member Layton Townsend to begin with prayer.
The minutes from 5/19/16 were read and approved by all.
Mayor Page welcomed the guest and opened the floor to Mrs. James. Mrs. James began by thanking the Mayor and Council for allowing her to hold the Educational Expo at the Community Center July 30, 2016. Mrs. James said there were 17 universities, 5 of which would be out of state, to be here for the Expo. The No Limit Expo would be opened to the public, all are welcome and she and her colleges would be advertising closer to the Expo. Mrs. James was seeking some marketing funds from the Town. Mayor and Council were in complete agreement on the helping to fund this event for the community. This Expo would be for Town of Lake View, Dillon County and surrounding area. Mrs. James hopes to hold a black tie event next year to help promote more expos of this nature. Mrs. James is interested in looking into finding small office area to hold meetings, maybe start an after school program. Council reminded her there is an after school program called Foundation run by Courtney Scott across from Hayes Hardware. After much discussion, Mrs. James thanked Mayor and Council and decided to stay to hear plans Mrs. Martha and Mrs. Mary had in mind for the town.
Mayor Page turned the meeting over to Mrs. Martha Isabelle and Mrs. Mary. Mrs. Martha introduced herself as the basketball coach for Lake View and sports coach for other youth, said she was looking into grants for the area at Hill Top Park. After much discussion from all parties, Mrs. Martha agreed there was much to be done to keep the area nice once the work is done. She also agreed the community needs to come together to show an effort on starting the project. Mayor and Council agree to meet together with people in the community with Mrs. Martha, to get a better view of the plans Mrs. Martha has for the Hill Top Park are. All parties agree the children need somewhere close to home to play that would be safe and the community would have to get involved. Mrs. Martha said she felt over 50% of the children who live in this area would utilize the area once it is functional. Mrs. Martha plans to do fundraising to help subsidize the needs for the park. After a lengthy discussion, plans were made to go out to see this site, talk with some of the citizens in the community on Friday the 24th at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor and Council discussed the Business License which is past due as of December 31, 2015. The all agreed on letters to be mailed out letting businesses know again as well as the 10% penalty is due, further actions will by necessary as of July 1st. There will be letters sent to all businesses who have a license reminding them that their license expire December 31, 2016, which means you would be operating your business without a license after December 31, 2016 and a penalty would be added. The Town of Lake View has always operated from physical year to physical year (January 1 through December 31 or each calendar year).
Mayor and Council also discussed ordering Christmas banners, getting the letters ready for vendors for the Christmas on the boulevard.
Mayor and Council approved Desert Snow 3 Day hands on Criminal Interdiction Workshop for Chief Campbell for April 2017.
The zoning board is set up and awaiting contact for their classes to begin.
The Use of Force Policy was looked over by Lawyer Lafon Legette, his verbal approval was given, and a letter addressing this will be forthcoming. A budget of first reading was on June 9, 2016 and Public Notice meeting will be on June 30, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned.

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