County Council Chair Optimistic About Year Ahead

By Betsy Finklea
Dillon County Council Chairman Archie Scott is optimistic about the year ahead as chairman.
Scott said he feels one of the biggest goals is for the council and the public to move past the negative publicity. He feels that council and the citizens of Dillon County have been victimized over some of the past governmental policies and procedures that date back several decades.
Scott said the biggest room is the room for improvement and this is not just for elected officials, but also for critics and skeptics.
Scott said he is going to be “optimistic.”
“I believe that change is going to come,” said Scott, “but it is not going to come overnight.”
“The change we need in Dillon County is not the ‘microwaveable’ kind of change,” said Scott. “Change is going to come with progressive steps.”
Scott said he likens the change to a microwave and a crockpot— a microwave is fast, but a crockpot is slower and often produces a better result.
Scott said in his role as chairman this year he is going to work to be in tune to the people who are positive and who have positive ideas to help more the county forward. “I cannot and shall not embrace negativity,” said Scott.
He asks the citizens of Dillon County to try to support and pray for their elected officials as a whole.
Scott said we must break down this wall of division because it is not good for any of us. “Where there is unity, there is strength,” said Scott. “Where there is division, there is always going to be confusion.”
Scott said this is true for people, for families and for the community as a whole. “If we’re working against one another or if a person is standing on another person, they cannot move and that person cannot move,” said Scott. He says we must all work together for positive progress to come.

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