Editorial: Get Involved With Your Local Government

Getting involved with your local government—it’s an important and easy thing to do. It can be as simple as attending a meeting or writing a letter to the editor about a particular issue or just keeping yourself informed by reading the newspaper and talking with your local officials. It’s something that we should all do so that we will be informed voters and better citizens. With the new year just starting, there is no better time for you to become involved. Public involvement holds our officials accountable and usually gives them the extra incentive to work for the people and make good decisions. If you would like to attend a local council meeting, the schedule is as follows: Dillon City Council, 7 p.m., second Monday, City-County Complex municipal courtroom; Latta Town Council, 7 p.m., second Thursday, Latta Town Hall; Lake View Town Council, 7 p.m., third Thursday, Lake View Town Hall; and Dillon County Council, fourth Wednesday, 4 p.m., Dillon County Administrative Building. Just make the effort to attend one meeting to let your officials know that you are interested  in your community, and you are watching what they do. Government generally works best at all levels when the public is paying attention and participating and the sun is shining in.

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